So how was your New Year? Last time I wrote to you I was knee deep in grated carrot while making a cake for my friend Jo’s birthday on the 1st of January. Luckily this time I remembered to put in the sunflower oil… Previously I’ve had to add it to the mixture already in the cake tin! I think it’s called being distracted, or maybe just getting older ☺️ That said, I do hope you and yours were glad to wave goodbye to 2024 and have found the first fortnight of 2025 to be welcoming?
Colin and I took the decorated carrot cake saw the New Year in with Jo, Simon, Jonathan and Sara, plus a couple of rather strange appendages that were part of a game you’d only want to play when you’ve had several glasses of wine! But it was a laugh ☺️

We were back again the following day to celebrate Jo’s birthday without a resolution in sight! I don’t bother making resolutions as not only my bad at sticking to them, but I can’t always remember what they are! I put it down to having too many things to think about at one time, but that’s just a busy life and one I’m very grateful for. Did you make any firm plans for this year? We are in a bit of a holding pattern at the moment as Sam and Elise have been told that the baby is rather large so Elise will probably need to have a Caesarean sooner than her due date. So… we could be welcoming baby Townsend into the family at the beginning of February instead of the 21st of that month! As you can see from this photograph, Elise is absolutely blooming and looked beautiful at her baby shower last weekend.

It was great to get together with so many of her friends and to also have time with her mum and dad too – everyone is so excited! I have to admit to being in a bit of a panic as I am desperately trying to finish the blanket I started knitting for them at the end of October! To describe my knitting style as basic would be an understatement! Might be more accurate to use my nanny’s word cack-handed! But, that said with a great deal of patience and a lot of counting I’m quite pleased with the way it’s looking and the wool I chose works perfectly with the colour scheme in their new nursery. I can’t wait to wrap my new grandbaby up in it ☺️

What a joy when the clouds finally lifted last week, and although the temperatures plummeted, the air was clear. I took this photograph just as the sun went down alongside Dorney Lake… magnificent. Two days later it was even more beautiful when the sky was blue and the hoar frost twinkled in the sunlight. Kathy Tayler and I went for a walk along the river to Cliveden House where I took the photograph at the top of the blog. It was bitterly cold but so nice to get some fresh air and catch up with her. We promised each other we’d try and visit more National Trust places this year and make the best of the British countryside as there are so many beautiful places to see. Talking of which, have you seen any of the new BBC wildlife series presented by lovely Joanne Page who starred as Stacey in the TV hit Gavin and Stacey? It’s absolutely enchanting, and I have recorded it all so that I can watch some of it with my granddaughter Honey when she visits at half term.
We’ve also been enjoying a brand-new detective series called Patience. It highlights autism in a very original and engaging way with an autistic actor –Ella Maisy Purvis – who stars as a police archivist. As we have experience of autism in our own family, it’s definitely rung a few bells, but also helped to normalise it, which I think is a good thing. Something else I’m enjoying is a drama starring James Norton on ITV – Playing Nice. It’s taken me years to be able to watch anything with him in it as he scared me to death when he starred as Tommy in the number one thriller Happy Valley. He actually has a rather lovely face and is a loving husband and father in this adaptation, which is beautifully written and very well acted but best of all, difficult to predict!
Talking of predictions, I have begun listening to the new Liane Moriarty novel Here One Moment, which expertly explores the power of predictions. I was hooked on the TV adaptation of her novel Big Little Lies and this new book is equally engaging. It’s very much all about the ‘what ifs’ in life, suggesting that if someone predicts something is going to happen to you, do you alter the pattern of your behaviour moving forward to avoid it happening? And could that in itself make the prediction happen?! It’s a bit ‘Sliding Doors’ I guess, but it certainly has made me think. Have you read any of Liane’s books, or is there another author you might recommend to me? I’m into my sixth year with Audible and am literally loving every minute of it. Also keeping my fingers crossed I hear this year from either Penguin Books or Orion with the offer of a voice over job to read a novel for them! They approved my voice reel last year, and this would be brilliant!

My son Jack was unfortunately involved in a shunt on an icy road last week and his very elderly car was written off so Colin and I travelled up to Bromsgrove to help him find a replacement. After a lot of driving, and a fair few time-wasters, we struck lucky with a Mazda 3 which had been very well looked after and had only two owners. It would’ve been impossible for him to go and have a look at anything if we’d not been able to drive him, so once again I was so grateful to have free time and not to be working. Jack will be 32 on the 2nd of February and we’re planning to go back up to him so we can take him out for the evening for a meal and some live music from a local band we all like.
I think that’s probably all my news for now, but thank you for your lovely comments at the end of the last blog and for all your New Year wishes. You know that I wish exactly the same for you – good health, happiness and success. I hope you get time to drop me a line either here, on Facebook or Instagram and I’ll get back to you.
Take care and stay warm!
With my love,
Ali xxx
Sonia Hughes says
Hi Ali,
You have been a busy bee again. I am pleased you are still knitting, it’s a great skill to have.
I am sure they will be thrilled with the baby blanket.
Sounds like you won’t have long to wait for your new brand baby. We have been told our grandson ,Leo is measuring big so they are keeping an eye on her. She’s due 11th March.
So annoying for Jack having his car written off, not easy to find good deals now. Glad you were able to help him find a new one.
We have had a busy time with hospital appointments as my husband is about to start treatment for Crohns so had to have all his jabs is flu, covid, shingles and pneumonia as the infusions will strip his immune system.
This month is flying by.
I have started watching Dancing on ice, love it. I also watched Play Nice, gripping….
I have triplet grandchildren who have high functioning autism so may give that programme a whirl.
Let us know when the baby arrives, exciting times.
Love your photos.
Take care, keep warm
Love& best wishes
Sonia 😘
I hope you do get to narrate a book as I loved listening to your lock down short stories.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you xx
Alison Keenan says
Hi there Sonia, and sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you. Exciting to know that your grandchild is due in March. My son Sam was born on the 10th of March… I’ll keep my fingers crossed your baby comes early! I’m very glad that your husband was able to have all the necessary inoculations before he begins his Chrons treatment. I really hope it will improve his situation and yours, as his carer.
I have never watched Dancing on Ice, although I’ve heard some great things about it but I did watch the entire series of Play Nice, and thought it was excellent. I will definitely let you know when the baby arrives… I feel it could be any day now!
Look after yourself as I know you spend a lot of time looking after other people love Ali xx
Hilary Patterson says
great to hear your news Alison Have you seen Virgin River d3finately worth watching it’s on Netflicks it’s filmed in Canada but has beautiful views
Alison Keenan says
Dear Hilary, lovely to hear from you too, and thank you for your recommendation.
I’m still toying with the idea of starting a Netflix subscription as there are so many programmes I think I would truly enjoy. I have such fun with my audible subscription I think it’s something I should treat myself to. I’ve never been to Canada, that it was my late fathers favourite country. Take care, love Ali xx
Elaine SALLIS says
Hi Ali lovely blog as usual. I hope Jack is ok after his car accident. Glad you managed to find a replacement car for him. I do like the bright frosty days we seem to have so many dull, damp ones this winter. Once again you have been very busy. I have started volunteering at my grandchildren’s school. I listen to children read and I am loving it. Love Elaine
Alison Keenan says
Hi Elaine, very kind of you to ask and yes Jack is fine. It was literally just a bump but unfortunately damaged his car badly. How lovely that you started volunteering at your grandchildren’s school. I remember helping with the children when my three had started secondary school. I really enjoyed it, and I’ve always enjoyed reading to my own grandchildren. Take care, love Ali xx
Tina T says
Hi Ali, a lovely blog as usual.
Sorry to hear about Jack, I hope he’s OK?
I had a quiet New Year and am really trying to do more yoga and stretching this year as my fibromyalgia has been quite bad lately. I’ve also started a new joint supplement to see if that helps.
How funny – I seem to watch most of the programmes you watch!😆 I think James Norton is a brilliant actor and very versatile. I’m loving watching Gone Fishing and think that Bob Mortimer is Kingfisher on The Masked Singer!😊
There’s a new series starting with Martin Clunes called “Out There” which sounds good and starts tonight.
Your blanket seems to be going well and I’m sure you’ll get it finished soon.
Well take care of yourself Ali.
Love Tina xx
Alison Keenan says
Dear Tina, I’m glad you enjoyed the blog and yes thank you for asking but Jack is fine. He was shaken up at the time but then more infuriated that he had damaged his car so badly. It was great that we found a new one for him. I’m sorry you’ve been struggling with your fibromyalgia and I very much hope that the new joint supplement helps. How funny we have exactly the same choices when it comes to TV. We started watching out there with Martin Clunes but it became so bloody and violent that we didn’t feel we wanted to watch the end of it! Maybe that’s part of getting old, but there are nice things to watch. I have finally finished my blanket and it is wrapped in tissue waiting to be taken with me when the baby is born. I do hope you’re staying warm in this chilly weather, love Ali xx
Mary Morphy says
Hi Ali, thank you for a wonderful view into your days and weeks and it sounds like you’ve yet again been busy with your wonderful family avd friends isn’t it great to catch up and almost carry on as if you’ve never been apart.
So we hace been celebrating birthdays here too..my husband was 60 on 17th Jan but was adamant he didn’t want a party and just carry on as normal.. so he opened his pub as usual and worked but had a thoroughly good day. Jack, Chloe, and her boyfriend Tom went and celebrated, but i stayed home,poorly again with a chest infection and COPD flare up having just recovered from the one I had before Christmas. I caught this one in A and E at out local hospital. My sister’s neck muscles went into spasm and she could not move her neck at all or swallow properly, it was really frightening. We were however packed like sardines in a huge waiting room, germs a plenty and corridors lined with beds complete with patients. It really upset me..they are building thousands of houses around Margate, Ramsgate avd Broadstairs but the hospital cannot cope and there are no plans to expand or build another hospital..it does frighten me a bit.
Thankfully my sister I almost recovered and I fin ish my antibiotics and steroids today which means my achilles reconstruction surgery is finally going ahead on Saturday 15th Feb. I’m going to struggle for the first few weeks..non weight bearing, stairs up to the house, no downstairs loo and johns away the week after I have surgery. To be honest, I am probably best just being left to get on with it but I know it’s goung to be very hard for me…i am one of God’s curvy creatures, whippet like on crutches I will certainly not be!
It will also be hard having Arthur here and not being able to do things with him..like bath time etc..hopefully after 6 to 8 weeks I will be a bit more mobile.
I’m going to check out Patience on your recommendation…I work with Autistic young people in our school 6th form and , as you know, my grandson Arthur has a diagnosis of Autism .
Chloe is 25 on Sunday and coming for dinner requesting beef casserole and a coffee and walnut birthday cake..my least favourite cake..how rude!
Right, it’s time for me to catch up with Surgeons, on the edge of life..just brilliant! But not for the feint hearted!
Keep safe in the horrible storms.
Love Mary
Alison Keenan says
Dear Mary, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been poorly yet again! Rotten luck especially as you’ve managed to clear it from the Christmas spout and as you say frightening for your sister to be in that much pain and then crammed into hospital where everybody is having to wait longer than it’s probably comfortable. I agree with you regarding the hospitals – there’s been a great deal of building work close to us because of the opening of the Elizabeth line a few years back. We still only have two big hospitals but they have to cover an enormous area which is probably why I’m still waiting for my implant replacement operation nearly a year later…. I hadn’t realised it was your Achilles reconstruction that you were waiting for. It is exactly the same operation that Lucy is now having to have. They somehow managed to detach it when they did her tendon transfer which has failed. She is still wearing surgical boot and unable to get back to work and still waiting on the operation. I very much hope you have yours on the 15th and that there will be people around you able to help as you always help everyone else! Arthur will be fine, and I hope your son will be able to look after you a little while are you are immobile. I think you would enjoy Patience – you did tell me about Arthur’s diagnosis, and it is in fact my granddaughter Honey who has autism, so I understand totally the enormous difference it can make to family life. Please do take care of yourself and let me know how the operation goes? Thanks as always for keeping in touch, love Ali xx