I am SO sorry that I’ve not kept you up-to-date with everything but we’ve had rather a month of it here at home and in spite of my best intentions, I’ve only just had a chance to sit down in front of my computer! The last 30 days have been eventful with some wonderful news, but also worrying times. Both my son Sam and my daughter Lucy are now recovering from surgery – they had different but planned procedures that left both of them unable to walk without crutches – more on that in a moment, after I’ve thanked you for your lovely comments not just here but on all the social media posts I dedicated to the Medical Detection Dogs charity. There was quite a buildup to the day itself and as promised I thought you might like to hear what happened.
Kathy Tayler and I drove to Milton Keynes where MDD has its headquarters, chatting the entire way and barely drawing breath! The Victoria Sandwich cake I’d made for our tea was gaffer taped securely in the boot, and mercifully arrived in one piece! The training centre is right in the middle of nowhere, but Julia Roberts was there with her daughter Sophie, Julie Halliday, Patrick Hoy, Lorna Ko, Tracey Kreiger, Marie Francoise, Beverley Cressman, Gill Gauntlett with her mum and her dad, Susie Adams and so many other friendly and lovely like-minded folk who had taken a day out to help. It was so good to see them, and as I’ve often said, I don’t realise how much I miss everybody until we’re together, but then it’s as though we’ve never been apart. ☺️ We had to be asked several times to stop chatting so that we could sit down, have our sandwiches and tea and learn more about the remarkable work of these incredible dogs who use every single one of their 300 million smell receptors to sniff out the early signs of certain cancers. It really is groundbreaking research, and for those people who also struggle with POTS syndrome and diabetes, the dogs who work alongside them alerting them to imminent collapse or coma make all the difference to their lives. We all loved watching the dogs in action, and their sensory powers were quite extraordinary. Thanks again to Tina, her lovely friend from Lincoln whose name has completely escaped me (forgive me!) but she is photographed here, and also Sue and her husband Andrew who drove from Binfield in Berkshire to be with us. They all joined us as a direct result of the blog and Instagram and there were many others who did the same. I think you’ll see from the smiles on everybody’s faces it was a very happy and uplifting occasion and raised a large sum of money that will help the charity to continue with their incredible work.
On another happy note, there were smiles all round in our family when Colin’s daughter Vicky announced her engagement to her lovely man Will. They’ve been together for a number of years now and he took her to Florence for her birthday where he proposed. He had the diamond engagement ring made especially for her and I think you’ll agree it is absolutely stunning! Bless him, he had spoken to me about various cuts of stone and how best to source them, and it was great to refresh my memory and draw on all I have learned over the years regarding jewellery. Another joyous occasion was when we joined Sam and Elise and Elise’s parents, to see the 25 week scan of our new grandbaby! Not a dry eye in the house… The baby is perfect and such a dear little soul and it was remarkable to not only see it in the womb, but to hear its heart beating as well. They have chosen not to find out if it’s a boy or girl, and we all wholeheartedly agreed. It is incredible how lifelike the scans are nowadays. I only have one scan photograph and that is of Jack when I would’ve been around 18 weeks pregnant. I still can’t tell which part of him they scanned and I had no idea with any of my three what sex they were until they were born – not too long to wait until we find out whether we have a granddaughter or grandson. Either way we cannot wait to welcome them to the family.
In the midst of all the joy, there has been more than a little stress for both Lucy and Sam who had their planned surgeries within a week of each other. For Lucy it was an operation that will hopefully improve her walking as she had herniated discs which caused damage to the nerves in her leg and foot. Her plaster comes off later this week and hopefully there will be a major improvement, as it’s been a difficult time for her and Honey, and she’s been in a lot of pain. For Sam, it was the first surgery he’d had in 15 years since they rebuilt his leg after a below the knee amputation. As often happens when there is a traumatic injury, the bone in his leg continued to grow and was making it difficult and uncomfortable for him to walk with his prosthesis. They have now removed the bone successfully, and hopefully this will make life a lot easier for him. The apprehension for both of them was understandable as with all operations there is an element of risk. For Sam it brought back bad memories of a difficult time and his genuine concern that things might go wrong and he would require further amputation. Not the best timing with a baby on the way, but I’m delighted to say all went according to plan and he is now walking without crutches, which has been a major relief for all of us. It doesn’t matter how old your children are, you still worry about them…
Well, it’s just a month until Christmas and I have been steadily gathering presents since August! I don’t have a lot of room left under the bed to store them so will have to start wrapping them soon, and we hope to buy our tree and have it up by the 10th of December this year. I had a lovely couple of days with my sister Jenny where we made Christmas cake, mincemeat and biscotti biscuits. My KitchenAid came in handy with all the mixing, but we both reminisced about the old blue washing up bowl that our mum used to make the Christmas cake in… Do you make or buy your cake and mince pies?
Before I go, I should add that I finished my blanket box and Colin and I chose some fabric for the seat cover, which was as close as we could get to our wallpaper colour. What do you think? I now have three of my door panels for the writing room completed and ready to paint, but unless the weather picks up I may have to hold fire on the final two until the New Year.
I think that’s all my news for now but I do intend to catch up with you at least once more before Christmas and I look forward to hearing from you in the meantime. Stay well and keep warm,
With my love,
Ali xx
Gwyneth Buckley says
So lovely to see you and read your blog. I love seeing what you have been up to. Miss you on QVC but so glad you are enjoying your retirement so much. It’s strange how time flies and you wonder how you ever had time to go to work. I wish you and all your family a lovely Christmas and New Year
Alison Keenan says
Hi Gwyneth, you are so right about the fact time moves far faster than we had a thought it would. I’ve been so lucky retiring when I did as it has been a full on family time for the last 18 months. I do miss QVC, but I’m still in touch with all the special people from there. Wishing you and your family, a great Christmas too, and thank you for writing to me, love Ali XX
Jane Franklin says
Lovely blog and pictures as always!
Alison Keenan says
Thank you Jean! Lovely to hear from you and I wish you and yours are very happy Christmas. Please do keep in touch, love Ali XXH
Sonia Hughes says
Hi Ali, Always lovely to read your blog and nice to hear what’s happening in your like. Such a worry for you with two of your children having operations. Hopefully they will both be feeling much better soon and able to enjoy all the festivities at Christmas🌲🌲
My daughter Leanne is feeling much more her old self after her hysterectomy and has been able to put up her Christmas trees. They renovating their home. It was 3 cottages which were made into one. She is on instgram. I think it’s Darwincottage if you want to have a look. They have done so much in the last 3 1/2 years.
Looks like you had a fab time with all your old friends from QVC at MDD fundraiser. So lovely to catch up with them. They are a great bunch. I enjoy watching it and order loads but do miss you and your chirry disposition.
I am looking forward to Christmas. I am going to 2 Carol concerts in Chester cathedral .
I have ordered my turkey crown from our localities and am lucky to have all my family to cook for this year. 13 of us. Next year baby Leo will be born so lots to look forward to.
I have got most of my Christmas presents for them , just my granddaughter Isla to get for now. She is a triplet and loves animals but not a girly girl. I find it quite difficult to find things for her, she’s 12.
I am currently listening to the short stories you read in lock down. Crocodile shoes was fab. I love a good book. I was shielding for 5 months at that time and it have me something to look forward too.
Enjoy all your Christmas baking festivities.
With love Sonia xx🌻🌻🌲🌲😊
Alison Keenan says
Hi Sonia, I’m happy to be able to tell you, both Lucy and Sam are doing well after their And will be joining us at some point over Christmas. I’m very glad to know that Leanne is feeling better after her operation, and I know that a hysterectomy has a long recovery time. I have checked her home out –. there were a couple of Dawin Cottage posts on Instagram, but I think I have found herself and it is amazing what they have achieved in the last 3 1/2 years. Many congratulations to them. it sounds as though you are pretty well organised for Christmas and how exciting to have baby Leo to look forward to. How about getting Isla a book about animals… Where they live, their habitat, And what they need to survive. She might find it interesting? It makes me very happy to know that you are listening again to the short stories I read – I listened to one myself the other day and I so enjoyed reading and Hannah thinking of putting off on a podcast – what do you think? sending you lots of love, and every good wish for a truly happy Christmas Sonia, love, Ali XX
Sonia Hughes says
Ps I love your blanket box. Looks so well with your beautiful decor xx
Alison Keenan says
Thank you! I really enjoyed the project, and although I’ve had to slow down on the writing panels, I intend to crack on again first thing in the New Year x
Loraine Plumb says
Hi Alison so pleased to hear your family are on the mend now it is worrying,we had a a few days where we worried about Gary he had to have his septum reset and sinuses widened a very delicate operation as it’s so near to the eyes it was something he had to have done because one side of his face was starting to cave in it was noticible on the scan but would have become worse if not treated there’s only 100 cases in the world. He was in awful pain for a while even with antibiotics and pain killers and had a really bad headache, it didn’t help that he had to sit up to sleep. Thankfully it’s getting better and all this because he was always stuffy and blocked up I think if they had listened to him before instead of giving him one nose spray after another it wouldn’t have got so bad. Anyway sorry to waffle on. I bet you can’t wait to see your new grandchild glad it’s all going well. Still miss seeing you on qvc but sounds like your well occupied, Les and I seem to find things to do national trust Kingston Lacey is nice and we walk everyday or take a drive to Christchurch etc. I wish you could see our granddaughters Willa and Ottilie now they are growing fast and good fun. Well must go now nice to hear from you. Loraine. Xxx
Alison Keenan says
Hello there, it sounds as though you’ve been to a very worrying time for you or Gary. Scary when you don’t know what’s causing the issue and you keep trying to self medicate. So glad they decided on the operation and I’m sure he will be well on the way to recovery now. I cannot wait to meet my new grandchild – I’m missing a blanket, and buying specific Christmas presents for Elise and Sam! I remember you telling me about Willa and Ottilie when they were born and I would very much like to see them now. I joined the National Trust earlier this year and hope to get to Cliveden with Kathy Tayler before Christmas. Sending you lots of love, Ali xx
Mary Morphy says
Hi Alison, firstly I sincerely hope that Lucy and Sam continue to heal well, a worrying time for you all but I’m glad to hear that both operations were a success…
I’m delighted the MDD day went well and it’s great that you caught up with your QVC buddies. I can imagine there was lots of chat and laughter.
So you’ll be looking for a new hat following the engagement of Colin’s daughter Vicky..gorgeous ring, what a great choice and very romantic to have a ring made especially for someone.
I was lucky enough to go to Arthur’s 3d scan…oh my goodness, t blew me away, so incredible. We bought a Teddy that had a recoding of his heart beat inside.
So, I still use a washing up bowl to soak my Christmas cake fruit in…I tend to add more fruit than the recipe says and then leave it to soak in alcohol for a week or so and as i like to give it a good stir regularly a washing up bowl gives me plenty of stirring room! I thenmix the cake up in it which means less cake mix escapes out! .This year John had half a big bottle of whisky that hadn’t been drunk at the pub so I have soaked my fruit in it..and yes, the whole half bottle! The cake is now made, double wrapped in greaseproof paper and inside my large lock n lock round cake box It smells amazing..we don’t like icing or marzipan so I just put roasted nuts, dried apricots and cherries on the top on mine, piled high and stuck on and glazed with boozy apricot jam.
My mum had a Christmas cupboard where any food that she bought in advance for Christmas would go..sweets, nuts in shells, biscuits etc and no one was allowed to start them until Christmas eve..and I do the same! It drives my husband mad! I grew up shelling nuts with a pair of nutcrackers; an essential skill I feel that needs to be continued so I love watching my children..24 and 27, try and crack a brazil nut…I’m proud to say I’m rather good at getting the nut out in one piece…a childhood well spent I feel!
So, Christmas shopping in Milton Keynes was last weekend and we had a couple of inches of snow on Friday which was stunning..all my shopping is done and my shopping app tells me I have 89 gifts to wrap! That does include stocking pressies though, one stocking to fill for each of my adult children Jack and Chloe, one for grandson Arthur, one for Tom, Chloes boyfriend of 4 years ( as they have their own house now I felt he earned the right to have a stocking) and one for Olly the dog! I guess that means I need to start wrapping..I’ve left some pressies at my sisters house as I’ve run out of storage under the bed and in the wardrobe too!
Storm Conell is raging tonight and I can hear a food bin rattling its way down the road..the weather has been bizarrely warm..my spring bulbs are up and the dahlias I cut back are growing again!
Well i think that’s all from me, take care Alison. Love Mary
Alison Keenan says
Hello there Mary, lovely to hear from you! yes I do you have a great time with my QVC mates at the MDT afternoon and I’m looking forward very much to spending time with 11 more of them this evening at a winter wonderland ball, being held in aid of the domestic violence, charity Kaleidoscope. Long dresses and sequins at the ready! I love hearing about your Christmas cake – I also use whiskey with mine as I didn’t have any brandy, but only about a quarter of a bottle! I’m hoping to marzipan it tomorrow. We are icing people but your cake I’m sure will look beautiful with The nuts and apricots etc. Very festive! We have a new set of drawers in the sitting room, and my cake is balanced on a whole heap of wine bottles. Not exactly a secret store but jolly useful storage although I like you keep things under the bed and in wardrobes. so glad that storm Connell blew itself out, and it’s much milder here now. Take care, happy Christmas, but I will write once more before the big day! Love Ali x
Tina T says
Hi Ali, so sorry to hear about Sam and Lucy and what they’ve been going through recently but hopefully they’re now on the road to recovery.
It was so lovely to meet you finally at the MDD fund raiser a few weeks ago. Karen and I had a great day and catch up after all these years! I’ve actually just bought one of the MDD calendars for next year! I had to laugh though at the thought of the lovely cake you made for the raffle being gaffer taped in the boot!😆
I hope that your knitting is going well? Also, “Congratulations’ to Vicky and Will on their recent engagement!
I recently caught up with my nephew for coffee (he’s quite close in age to me and has two daughters aged 23 and 17) which was lovely.
Well, that’s about it for now.
Take care.
Love Tina xx
PS. Your blanket box is great!😊
Alison Keenan says
It was lovely to meet you and Karen to Tina. Such a wonderful afternoon and so good to catch up with you am I friends from QVC. The knitting is doing okay… I need help every now and then from my friend Roz who is a fabulous meter. I will pass on your congratulations to Vicky and Will, and hopefully there will be a wedding date next year! I love a new hat!😁. Thank you for your kind words about my blanket box… I really enjoyed making it. Happy Christmas! And do keep in touch, love, Ali XX
Loraine Plumb says
Hi Alison meant to say love your blanket box. Love Loraine. Xx
Alison Keenan says
Ooh thank you! I was really chuffed it came out so well. X
Rachel Scott says
Hello Ali
A lovely blog as always! Hoping your precious ones are soon much better. What a worry. It’s so true that our children grow up but we never stop worrying. O know my two appreciate the love I give and I’m certain your whole family rejoices in having you in all their lives.
Saw your lovely reel with Jemma and Clare. I’m a long way away in Devon so not often I go to London now but as we can buy lots online it’s not so bad!
Great advice for Gozo, I’ll remember that.
I got my trees out for Christmas today and have been busily dressing them tonight ready for tomorrow as I like them to be up for the 1st. My 6 year old grandson and 3 year old granddaughter are coming g on the 14th so I need it all beautiful for them. I love making magical memories for them. I’m sure you’re the same, it makes me so happy to see their little faces.
I hope you have a wonderful lead up to Christmas and have fantastic family times.
Love Rachel xxx
Alison Keenan says
Dear Rachel, lovely to hear from you, and thank you for getting in touch. You’re absolutely right about our children and I’m so glad that you’re to appreciate all the love that you give them. They don’t always say it and not always show it, but I know it’s there and it makes me very happy. yes, I had a fabulous time with Jemma and Clare and I’m hoping to revisit Fortnum and Mason is with my son Jack as he was responsible for making that rather fabulous pinecone display! i’m glad you have your tree up, and I’m certain your grandchildren will love the efforts you have gone too. It’s all about making memories isn’t it? I hope you’re well, and enjoy the build up to Christmas. I should be writing one more time before then, love, Ali xx
Monique Stirrups says
Hello Alison. I am the lady who won your georgeous victoria sponge at the MDD tea! I wanted to thank you for baking, and safely bringing it with you. It arrived home in Eastbourne later that day and was enjoyed by myself and my husband. It was so big, that some of the postal workers at the Eastbourne DO also got to enjoy it. And what a beautiful plate too! I do use it everyday and it is now officially Alisons plate. If you do want it back please let me know. Sending you and yours warm Christmas wishes and very happy new year.
Alison Keenan says
Hi Monique, lovely to hear from you and I’m glad that you got the cake home and both you and your husband enjoyed it and some of your colleagues too! Of course you must keep the plate, and I’m sure you will find plenty of other edibles to present on it. I hope you had a very happy Christmas, and that the New Year will be A good one for you and yours. Thank you for getting in touch, love Ali XX