Thanks so much to Roz, Mary and Loraine for your lovely comments on my last blog – always good to hear how you’re spending your time. I have to start this blog with a photograph – Corey’s third birthday cake! Colin spent so long decorating it, I couldn’t believe I’d mentioned it last time and not included the photo, so here you go. And I’ve added a photo of Corey blowing his candles out too, just so you get an idea of the scale of the cake! I had to bake it in my largest roasting tin! ☺️ Suffice to say it went down well, and I don’t think it lasted long, as the love of chocolate cake is something the entire family has!

In my last blog something I did include was news of the spinal procedure that my daughter was due to have to ease the pressure on her two herniated discs. This would be the second time this procedure has been carried out, as the first time didn’t really make a difference, so we were very much hoping this time it would be more effective. I had gone up to stay with Lucy to look after her and also Honey, but just an hour and a half before we were due to leave for the hospital, they rang to say her procedure was cancelled. Although fully appreciative that an emergency had taken precedence, it was upsetting for us all, and Lucy who works as a teacher had needed to organize her coursework, and the school had arranged for a supply teacher to cover her absence. Luckily, the operation has been rescheduled for the 14th of May so we are very much hoping this time it will go ahead. It’s been almost two years since Lucy hurt her back, and because of nerve damage she has lost all feeling in her right foot, which makes it difficult for her to walk… It’s tough for her and Honey, as she is so limited in what she can do, so fingers crossed the procedure, when it happens, will ease things.
If I had have been with Lucy I would have needed to get from Swindon to Greenwich as I spent last Thursday with the first year media students at Ravensbourne University. I went up on the Elizabeth Line train that got me as far as Canary Wharf and then it’s just a short distance to North Greenwich on the Jubilee line. The University is an incredible building, literally alongside the O2, and is the perfect setting for all those studying media, photography, television, broadcasting, music production and much more! I have been working with two groups who are putting together a TV magazine show for their end of year project. They’re a very talented bunch of young people and it’s been an absolute privilege to share some of the knowledge I’ve gained over the last 30 or so years to help them at the very beginning of their careers. They are responsible for the production, direction, floor managing, PA’ing, scriptwriting, researching and finding guests and content. I’m presenting the two separate shows, and if last week’s rehearsal is anything to go by, they should do very well on Thursday.

My sister Jenny came and stayed with me last weekend, and we made the very best of our time together by visiting Cliveden House, formerly a home of the Astor family but now a stunning hotel, and only 10 minutes drive from where I live. I’d never been before, but was absolutely delighted with the amazing walks and views of the river. The woods and gardens were outstanding, and we covered four and half miles mostly in beautiful sunshine, before arriving at Cliveden House itself.

We didn’t go inside, but they were setting up for what I guessed to be a wedding, and with bed and breakfast starting at around £550 a night, I imagine it was to be a truly grand affair!! The building is quite remarkable and I particularly loved this clock tower that was added to the property in 1861 and is the work of the architect Henry Clutton. As a functioning water tower it still provides water for the house and features four clock faces! I was also very impressed with the water fountain that dominates the bottom of the driveway – that and the incredible house give the whole area a very Italian feel, and it’s somewhere Jenny and I will definitely visit again.
It was a house of a very different sort that I visited on Monday in Bristol, thanks to my friends Roz and Chris who treated me to tickets to see Johannes Radebes in his astounding musical dance show House of Jo Jo. As a massive fan of Strictly Come Dancing, I was wowed by Johannes in his ‘Join the Party’ show that Roz and I saw last year, but I think this was even better! We went with a couple of her close friends and they were all in agreement!

Understandably no photos are allowed but these are public photos and will give you an idea of the sensational costumes JoJo wears! The dancing itself was outstanding – endless energy, colour, music, emotion and theatre – and JoJo’s presence and personality carried it all beautifully. He’s on tour through until June and I’d highly recommend this if you love all things dance! Fingers crossed he’ll be in Strictly again this year – but with a role in the lead of Kinky Boots also on the cards I’m not sure he’ll have time…

Just time to tell you about the superb debut novel I’ve been listening to called The Trial. It’s written by the TV judge Rob Rinder and is very clever and engaging. I’ve downloaded the new Anthony’ Horowitz Hawthorne Investigates book ‘Close to Death’ which I’m very much looking forward to, and we’re still persevering with Mary and George on Prime starring Julianne Moore. Any suggestions or recommendations, I’d love to hear from you.
I hope you enjoy the blog and do keep in touch with me here, on Instagram and Facebook – I really appreciate the company. And I hope April is a good month for you.
With my love,
Ali xxx
Roz says
Hi Alison. What a busy few days you have had- again! Sorry to hear of your daughter’s op being rescheduled but hopefully, the May date will be the one. The show you went to see sounds amazing and Johannes is outstanding as a dancer and his personality engaging. We have just returned from Dorset where the weather was quite wet with a few stormy nights but lots of walking with our beautiful Cockerpoo! We are babysitting 2 days next week so today catching up with the laundry as the sunshine is here! Have you made a decision on your breast procedure? I am sure you will do what you feel is best and comfortable with. Try not to get too anxious as the Dr and teams are so skilled. Just starting a book “Finishing Touches by Patricia Scanlan. I have not read any of her books yet so will give a review soon. Will say bye for now and enjoy your time at the University and the rest of April.
Alison Keenan says
Hi there Roz, I’m glad you enjoyed your time in Dorset in spite of the weather – my friend Roz who lives there has told me it’s still grey and cold although she’s had a couple of days sunshine as we have here. I have made a decision about my breast procedure and have gone for the least invasive option. I will talk to the consultant on the 3rd of June. I’ve not read any books by Patricia Scanlan either but I think my sister has so I will look forward to hearing what you think of it.
New blood coming in the next week and I can tell you how it went to university. Welcome to May! love Ali xx
Hilary Patterson says
Going to see Kinky Boots on May 2nd at Darlington Hippodrome looking forward to it
Take care look forward to your blogs and photos
Alison Keenan says
Ooooh how lucky are you?! Do let me know what you think of it – definitely on my bucket list! New blog coming next week – glad you enjoyed this one. Ali xx
Elaine SALLIS says
Hi Ali you seem busier than ever. I too don’t know how I had time to work. We still look after my daughter’s children every day although the oldest starts secondary school in September . I’ve been quiet for a while as my son is having a very hard time and I’ve found it hard to deal with. I have been reading your blogs , I love them and am so pleased that you keep in touch. I’m sorry to hear about Lucy’s op. Geoff is struggling with his back and I know how debilitating it is. Love to you and your family. Elaine x
Alison Keenan says
Hi Elaine, that’s exactly what I think most weeks – I don’t have had time to work before. I’m sorry that Geoff is struggling with his back – it really does curtail what you are able to do, and being in pain is miserable.
It’s two weeks now before Lucy has her up so not much longer to wait. I am with her and honey these next two days which I’m looking forward to. I’m glad you still have time with your daughter’s children. It’s precious to be able to build a bond like that with them and it will make all the difference moving forwards to how much you’re able to keep in touch with them too I am certain.
Take care, and I’ll be posting new blog next week, love Ali xx
June Fairhead says
Hi Ali, I so enjoy your blogs, very interesting, I don’t know how you had time to work at QVC! You always seem to be enjoying your life, which is wonderful.
Keep well and happy, 🤞crossed your daughters operation goes ahead in May, I know only too well what living with constant pain is not nice.
Your Colin did a fantastic job decorating your grandsons birthday cake. You are lucky they live not too far away from you, my granddaughter who is 9 years old lives in Australia but my grandson is only 15 miles away from me at the UEA in Norwich. Both a blessing.
Take care, with love
June xxx
Alison Keenan says
Dear June, lovely to hear from you and I am pleased you enjoy the blogs. I very much enjoy writing them, and I definitely have more time now I’m not working to a schedule. Ever since 2011 I’ve made absolutely certain I pack as much into every day I possibly can – none of us know what the future holds. I’m sorry if you are also struggling with pain at the moment? So difficult to get on with life when you do. And I’m sure it’s very hard for you to have family who live so far away – I hope you’re able to FaceTime your grand daughter occasionally? My brother lives in Australia and I will be seeing my niece’s children for the first time next month. They are three and one year old. So glad you have your grandson close by then and I hope you see him when he has time. Take care, and I’ll have a new blog for you next week love Ali XX
Loraine Plumb says
Hi Alison so sorry about your daughters op so unsettling for all it happened to my daughter in law she was all gowned up and it was postponed she was livid. Glad you’re having a nice time getting to visit different places and see your friends etc. Only a month to our holiday now unfortunately a very close cousin of mine died on the 15th April so waiting to hear when the funeral is it’s a burial in the church where Les and I were married and our parents graves are we have only been to one burial before and although still horrible I think I prefer cremations , anyway she wasn’t good towards the end so it’s for the best. We have had a bit more sun in Ringwood so that’s nice but the coming week more showers I know it’s been very varied depending on where you are. Willa had her 8th birthday she had her room done out for her main present new wardrobe desk assessories etc and a sleepover . It cost more than a party so she is a lucky girl. Anyway lovely to hear from you and love your hair btw I have grown mine all the same length now got fed up with the graduated bob . Take care love Loraine. Xx😀
Alison Keenan says
Dear Loraine, yes, it was difficult for Lucy and I’m sure it was for your daughter in law too! I hope her operation has been rescheduled! That’s sad you’ve lost another member of your family and I like you find burials harder in some ways in a cremation. I hope the Sun will shine for you on that day which makes it a little easier. I cannot believe that Willow is eight already and that’s such a lovely present to have her bedroom redecorated with new furniture. It’s something I’m sure she will really appreciate and make the best of.
I finally had my roots coloured but I’m not planning to get my hair cut until the end of the month. Sending you some sunshine, love Ali XX
Sue Radford says
Hi Ali,
Glad you enjoyed your holiday.
So sorry to hear your daughter is suffering with severe back pain, and then have the operation cancelled last minute aargh! I’ve suffered with the same problem for several years now – it’s an awful relentless pain. Hope, once the operation has taken place your daughter will be pain free.
It’s a big birthday for my husband and I, this year so we’re spending a week in Corfu, and then from there boarding a cruise ship to Croatia, Dubrovnik and lots of other lovely islands. My birthday is the day after Honey’s – I can’t believe she’s 9 years old! It only seems like yesterday when you excitedly announced she’d arrived!!
Love & Best Wishes,
Sue Radford
Alison Keenan says
Dear Sue, lovely to hear from you and thank you for your kind words re Lucy’s back. You will know better than most then what it’s like. Only another fortnight and she will have the procedure carried out – fingers crossed! Lovely to know you are going to Corfu and then on to Croatia. I may well be visiting Croatia myself with my friend Jo and her two grown-up daughters this summer. It looks beautiful! Happy birthday for the 7th of May – I hope you have something special to look forward to. I can’t believe honey will be nine… She is so precious to me. Love to you too, Ali xx
Mary Morphy says
Hi Ali,
Firstly Colins Spiderman cake was magnificent and I can fully appreciate all the hard work and time spent on it. Corey looked delighted!
I’m so sorry to hear Lucy’s operation was cancelled again. Its just so frustrating when it’s almost a military operation to organise work, childcare etc only to have it cancelled. I am keeping everything crossed for her date in May. Lucy sounds like a real trouper and I hope the operation makes life a bit easier for her.
My twin sister has had her shoulder replacement
surgery cancelled three times. She is due to have it on 4th June so we are all hoping it goes ahead Her dog has to go into Kennels for a week but the kennel owner has been really understanding as sge keeps booking andcancelling. I am on nurse duty post op for a week…so I’ll be pretty busy!
It sounds like you have had some wonderful days visiting beautiful houses. We are so lucky in the country that the gentry of the past had such amazing homes and most with incredible gardens.
Your venture with the university sounds really exciting and I expect your knowledge and experience has been invaluable. Its blund to be brilliant.
My friend has seen Johannas in action on the dance floor and says he’s incredible.
I am at the O2 on Friday with my daughter Chloe to see Take That with Olly Murs supporting..I love Gary and Chloe is a huge Olly fan it’s a perfect combination! I’ve seen Take That 7 times, it will be brilliant. I’m also at the O2 on 4th May to see Peter Kay and I cannot wait for that.
Well I’ve got some bits to do so best get on. Lots of love,
Alison Keenan says
Dear Mary, how was your evening with Chloe and Take That? Sounds fantastic! Olly Murs is great too and the O2 is the perfect venue.
I don’t know if I mentioned that Colin and I went to see Peter Kape on the 6th of January – he certainly looks very different having lost a vast amount of weight but was very funny. I hope you enjoy that too. Thank you for your kind words about Lucy – as your sister will know it is difficult to get everything organised only to have to rearrange it all.
Good luck for her on the 4th of June and fingers crossed for Lucy on the 14th of May! I think you should treat yourself to see Johannis in action he really is amazing. I have just made Honey’s birthday cake – based on an album cover from Taylor Swift. She is an avid fan! I’m making my sister-in-law’s birthday cake on Saturday but that is purely a Victoria sandwich. I hope you’re still baking? Take care, love Ali xx
Merche Gardiner says
Hi Ali, as always I thoroughly enjoyed your blog and the photos. Loved Colin’s cake decoration. Sorry to hear that Lucy had her back operation cancelled fingers crossed all goes well for her in May. Glad you enjoyed your visit to see Johannes he is a superb dancer. Take carexx
Alison Keenan says
Hello there Merche, good to hear from you and to know that you also are a fan of Johannes! As my friend Roz would say, what’s not to love! I’ve also been to see Giovanni Pernice and he was equally fabulous but in a different way! Lauren another of the professionals from Strictly was part of the trip and she was excellent too. I do hope life is treating you well and I’m glad that you enjoy the blogs. A new one coming next week – take care, love Ali xx