Hi there, I do hope you enjoyed the rest of October, and I imagine you’re as shocked as I am to hear that there are only seven weeks to go until Christmas! I bought myself an Air Fryer Christmas Recipe magazine that I’ve been poring over this last week and am hoping to make my own mincemeat and Christmas pudding this year – do you make your own or buy them?
Thank you SO much for all the lovely comments and feedback firstly on the blog, but also on the special posts I set up on Instagram and Facebook in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Day – the 20th October. Hard for me to believe it has been 12 years since I was diagnosed with invasive lobular breast cancer, and following chemo, radiotherapy and a double mastectomy I wrote a book about my experience in the hope it would help others who might find themselves in the same situation. ‘A New Kind of Normal’ was published in 2018, and as promised in my posts I have picked two names at random and will be sending a copy of my book to both Jacqueline Edwards and Jill Dowding-Walker – congratulations to both of you! Thanks to you also for sharing the post and the book with your friends, family and colleagues – it is much appreciated.
With all the wedding photos last time, I didn’t have room to put any of the pictures from the fabulous 50th birthday party Colin and I were invited to in celebration of the lovely Jemma Forte. You may know her as the Molton Brown guest at QVC but she’s also carving quite a name for herself as a political pundit!

What a great night it was, and so good to catch up with so many friends and colleagues. Plenty of laughter dancing and drinking, and definitely a bonus when Jeremy Vine got up on stage to play the bongos! I’m sure there are more than just a few recognisable faces in these photos 😊

I realise having read my last blog back that it was incredibly long and so I’m going to try and make them shorter in the future so you don’t have so much to wade through. With all that’s been going on this last month though, I don’t know how I ever found time to work!! My son Jack found a new flat and is now happily settled in Bromsgrove, and I spent a couple of days with him, helping to clear the old flat and then get him sorted in the new one! He’s moved three times since his dad died and he had to leave the old family home, and it’s hard to keep shifting everything, but over time we’ve managed to ‘thin things out’ as my mum would have said, and what wasn’t needed we’ve stowed in the ample loft he has there. Last weekend, we also helped Colin’s daughter Vicky and her partner Will move home, and although it was only 10 minutes from the flat they’d been sharing, we had to make a fair few journeys! We did have additional support though, and it was lovely having so many of the family there to help, and surprising how quickly we got it all shifted – it’s great seeing them all moving on with their lives.
I’ll admit to feeling pretty shattered on the Sunday, but luckily I’d had a really restful week in The New Forest with my godmother Edna. She’s been in my life, all my life, and I was born just 10 days before she married her forever love Ian. They were both incredibly supportive of us all when my mum and dad divorced many years ago, and I stayed in touch when I left home to get married in the 80’s. Sadly Ian died of Alzheimer’s 18 years ago, and having nursed him for the last four years of his life, Edna then had to rebuild hers… Time spent with her is very precious and we get along very well in spite of the 22 years age gap. We’d rented a tiny cottage in the heart of Burley and the countryside that surrounded it was breathtaking. I got up early several mornings while Edna was resting and walked for miles – it was so peaceful with beautiful views as you can see here. We also visited Lymington, Milton on Sea and Ringwood where we found the owl sanctuary that Edna and Ian had visited in the 70’s… It’s all about making memories and these are some of the best.

After trick-or-treating with Honey on Tuesday night, she and Lucy are coming over tomorrow for fireworks, jacket potatoes and hot dogs! Can’t wait! Are you going to a display this year? 😊 I do hope all is well in your world, and thanks for keeping in touch with me here, on Instagram, Facebook and X! Take care, and until next time…
With my love,
Ali xx
Elaine says
Hi Ali lovely to hear from you. We had a few days away last week with my daughter and son in law and the grandchildren. Three dogs and three children so was hectic at times 😂. We stayed in an old mill near Bude it was beautiful. I hope you had a lovely time with Lucy and Honey x
Alison Keenan says
Crikey three dogs and three children Elaine, I take my hat off to you! Bude is beautiful – I visited there some years ago, and I’m so glad you had a good time there. I had the best time with Lucy and Honey and the fireworks were a real treat. Take care and do keep in touch, love Ali xx
Margaret says
The New Forest is such a calming place to visit,you always seem busy so this was a lovely break.I live next to Stoke Poges common which is lovely for walks with my dog.Have a lovely Bonfire night with your family xx
Alison Keenan says
Dear Margaret, you’re right about the New Forest, and also about the peace and tranquility it offered. It was a much needed break for both of us I think. My Nanny used to live in Chalfont St. Peter and I think we drove through Stoke Poges on our way to see her – very lovely. Bonfire night was perfect thank you – do hope you enjoyed the weekend too. Love Ali xx
Mary Morphy says
Hi Ali, I’m writing this wheezing and coughing, struck down by this horrible Germ thing that has wiped out most of the staff in the department I work in, all caught from the kids at school. It’s horrible, and my annual trip to Milton Keynes is only a week away, and I don’t want to be poorly. Lots of shopping to do!
Looks like another busy few weeks for you. Thank you for sharing. My godmother was also called Edna she was like a second mum and she and my mum were best friends. We had great fun as kids and later, when she was deteriorating with dementia i cared for her until she had to go into care along with my sisters.
So, how’s the mincemeat coming al9ng? I don’t make my own as such but pimp up a jar mincemeat with nuts, more fruit and booze! I have made my Christmas cake and it’s being steeped with brandy every two weeks..I also soaked the fruit in brandy before baking so when you open the cake tin a waft of heady brandy hits you hard! We don’t like icing or marzipan so I usually put roasted nuts, dried apricots and cherries on mine held on with boiled then sieved apricot jam..it makes a good glue! I’ve used a Jane’s Patisserie Christmas cake recipe as it’s not too dark..its a lovely looking cake even though i do say do myself . I’ve had to hide it away though, if John finds it then a large chunk will go missing!
Only a short on from me this time. I hope you are all well and avoiding the germs. Love Mary
Alison Keenan says
Hi Mary, I’ve only just spotted this having posted my new blog but just wanted to wish you well and hope that you are feeling far better and looking forward to the weekend with your sister in Milton Keynes. I think it’s great that you have always kept up the tradition apart from when Covid stopped you. I have yet to make my mincemeat, but up until now I have always done what you do – just add in a bit of extra which makes all the difference! Your cakes are always stunning though and I’m certain the Christmas cake will be delicious. I hope John’s business with the microbrewery continues to do well for you? And I hope that everyone in your department at work is feeling much better. Thank you for keeping in touch, love Ali xx