Here we are – just a couple of days away from Christmas and I’ve still got a list as long as my arm of things to do!! How can that be? 😊 That said, at least the tree is up, I only have four more presents to wrap, and I’ve finished writing my shopping list for the Christmas food so not too shabby. The housework can wait until tomorrow as the family don’t arrive until the 23rd!
How are you getting on? I do hope Christmas is a joy rather than a stress for you, although I also appreciate this year may be the first you’ve had without someone you love and that’s always hard… Some folk work and often families are miles apart at this time of year, but whatever the day brings I hope more than anything you won’t be lonely…

I’ve been incredibly fortunate to avoid most of the bugs and colds up until now and was able to drive all over the place exchanging presents with family and friends and bumping into Father Christmas twice too! My sister and I thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Winchester Christmas market and then spent a morning making mince pies – perfect! I drove to Dorset to see Roz and Chris and helped with their local village hall Christmas coffee morning where we enjoyed home baked cakes and the first visit from Santa.

I met him again when Lucy and Honey took me to ‘The Flight Before Christmas’. I’m guessing his sleigh was in for repair because he was on board a mighty Boeing 747 that had been magically transformed so that the children could spend some time with him and also decorate gingerbread and make their own teddy bears. Certainly a bit of a change to me seeing Father Christmas in 1967 when he was crammed into a corner of the beauty hall at Bentalls in Kingston but equally memorable. 😊

It’s been great to set the tree up in our newly decorated sitting room and make it all festive, and with a bit of luck and a following wind Colin and I should be in our own bedroom by Christmas Eve. We need to be, as we have a whole heap of family and friends staying with us at various points over the next week and now they will have their own rooms to rest and relax in! So looking forward to sharing Christmas with them all.
I can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel with the house renovations, so hopefully January will find us on the final stretch. Can you believe it’s almost seven months since I hung up my earpiece at QVC and retired after 23 years with the channel! But what a seven months it’s been, crammed full of family, travel, building work, social and emotional commitments, sadly two funerals but also two beautiful weddings. It’s been a tough year at times particularly for my daughter Lucy and also my son Jack, and my godmother Edna lost her partner John too which was very sad. So often I’ve heard myself saying that I wouldn’t have been able to be there for them if I had been working, and although there never seems to be a perfect time to make these big decisions like retirement, it’s always a relief when it was clearly the right one.
Doesn’t mean to say I don’t miss the gang, the fun, the on air excitement and the connection, but that’s what has been so lovely about this blog and the fact you’ve come on board and kept in touch. I’ve loved hearing about your holidays, your family, your pre-Christmas plans not just here, but on Instagram and Facebook too and am looking forward very much to the New Year – who knows what that will bring?!

So all that remains is for me to send you a mighty great thank you for all your love and support this year, and to wish you a very merry Christmas and every happiness in 2024. May it be your best year yet.
With my love,
Ali xxx
Elaine SALLIS says
Hi Ali, lovely blog as usual. I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas. Elaine
Alison Keenan says
Dear Elaine, I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I very much hope that you enjoyed your Christmas with your girls. I also hope that the New Year will be a happy and healthy one for you. Love Ali xx
Roz says
Hi Ali, great to read your blog and almost ready for Christmas. We too are having our Xmas meal tomorrow so we can all meet up. Hence, my husband and I have been very busy all day with preparations and housework but will relax later tonight with a glass of something chilled. Yes the year has flown by with lots of events, lots happy ones and some not so happy. We are looking after my neighbours dog from Boxing Day as they are going away so with our own puppy, we will be kept busy! Wishing you and family a happy festive time.
Alison Keenan says
Hi there Roz, good to hear from you and I really hope that your Christmas day went well after all your preparations. How have you coped with your neighbours dog and the puppy? I hope you’re not too exhausted as we head into New Year. Thank you for keeping in touch and I wish you and yours every happiness in 2024. Love Ali xx
Sara says
Hi Ali, lovely, as always, to hear how you’re getting on! I can’t believe you’ve been ‘retired’ almost 7 months! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for a happy 2024 x
Alison Keenan says
Hi Sara, So glad you enjoyed the blog and have kept in touch with me here. I wish you and your family a truly happy New Year with plenty of shared times and memory making ahead. Love Ali xx
Sue says
Hi Ali, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.
Alison Keenan says
Dear Sue, I wish exactly the same to you yours! Thank you for your support here on the blog – All the very best for 2024! A xxx
Loraine Plumb says
Hi Alison lovely blog , we went to Winchester market too I was born in the Winchester hospital so not far from us. Hope you all have a great Xmas and happy 2024 we are all of to Dorset tomorrow. Happy Xmas and happy 2024 love Loraine Les and family. Xxx
Alison Keenan says
Oh Gosh that’s nice to know Loraine. I really hope that you, Les and the family all enjoyed your Christmas in Dorset, and I wish you every happiness and success in 2024. Thank you for keeping in touch love Ali xx
Karen Brooker says
Hi lovely Ali cant believe its been 7 months since you left. Still miss seeing you on air but lovely to hear all your things you are able to do now. Merry Christmas to you, Colin and all your family and wishing you a very happy 2024. Lots of love Karen xx
Alison Keenan says
Dear Karen, I know it’s hard to believe it’s been that long and I do still miss it – I think a part of me always will! So glad you can keep in touch with me here on the blog, and I very much hope you and your family have a great Christmas and that 2024 will be a healthy and happy one for you. Love Ali xx
Beryl edwards says
I also looked forward to your shows on qvc but glad to hear you don’t regret it.i felt sorry about your redoing your house and it always takes longer than you think I hope you give us a tour of your house when finished
Alison Keenan says
Dear Beryl, lovely to hear from you and thank you for your compassion! It has been really heavy going with the build but I do feel finally we are nearly there. I will most definitely give you a tour of all the alterations once I complete. Happy New Year to you, love A xx
Gail says
Woo hooo, I’ve found you! Lovely to have found you, I have wondered how you are getting on. Great that you are enjoying your retirement, although you do sound busier than ever. You look very well Ali🙏🏻 I also miss you on QVC, do you think you’ll ever go back even part time maybe? Is that your Sam in the wedding photo? Wow, he looks fantastic. I remember all the difficulties he had so it’s lovely to see him looking so well. Lovely photo. Look how grown up Honey is too, she’s the spitting image of Lucy. It’s really lovely to have found you and to be able once again to find out about what’s going on in your world. I sincerely wish you and the family a wonderful 2024 and may good health be your constant companion 😘
Alison Keenan says
Dear Gail, how lovely to hear from you! I too am delighted that you have found me here and can now keep in touch this way, and I too miss QVC and all my pals there, but I still see quite a few of them, and might even get the chance to return again at some point for a few shows 🙂
Yes, that is my son Sam in the wedding photo, and you’re right, he has made so many wonderful changes to his life, and all for the better. Elise is such a great girl too, and they have a fabulous partnership which is key when life is tough. Little Honey will be 9 this year – doesn’t seem possible does it?! As I always say, I’m really lucky to have such a large family who all get on with each other, and support each other. I hope life is good for you too, and that you and your family will also enjoy good health and happiness in 2024. Love Ali xx