And just like that… I’m retired after 23 years of presenting at QVC! Even now I struggle to get my head around retirement, as it always seemed to be something other people did! As far back as I can remember I’ve always worked: I started a paper round when I was nine, worked the weekends and school holidays in my teens, and had my first ‘proper’ job in London when I was 16 years old.
However, of the 47 years I have worked, 34 of them have been in radio and TV and 23 of them at QVC! And those of you who tuned in for my last show at the end of May will know just how much I’ve loved it. I went through a maelstrom of emotions but I know it was the right time for me to hang up my earpiece, and one of the bonuses is that I can now re launch my blog and hopefully see the return of ‘Ali’s Army’ as well! For those who corresponded with me during the 15 years QVC published my blog, we can hopefully pick up where we left off, but it would great if you’d like to be a part of our fabulous social community and social network. Just comment below to set the ball rolling!
I’ll be honest, when I first started presenting on the U.K.’s number one shopping channel my intention was to stay for just a couple of years and then maybe return to working on radio, but I got the bug! I loved the people I worked with, the guests, the on-air challenge, incredibly diverse range of products each with their own unique selling points and the excitement of presenting hour upon hour of live and unscripted TV! And the laughs – some of the funniest times and best moments I’ve ever had happened in those studios 😊 Of course, there have been a great many changes within the industry over the years but fundamentally the job has stayed the same and a part of me will always miss it – it’s in my DNA!

I started at QVC when two of my three children were under the age of 10, and like most parents, a great deal of my life had to fit in around them, their needs and their school timetables. Looking back, I don’t quite know how I managed the late shifts when the channel was live until 2 am. I’d get home around 3:40am and the kids were up at 7 am! But I was a lot younger then and the job was fun – hard work but always fun! In fact in my 40s, if I ever gave a passing thought to retirement I’d visualise myself sitting in a rocking chair in the corner of a room, keeping my arthritic joints busy by knitting! Crazy really, because I didn’t even know how to knit and although sadly I do have arthritis in my hands now, I’m probably busier than I was when I was working! Have you retired? Maybe your partner has retired – how has life changed for you?
Not being tied to a schedule means I now have more time to work on the many projects and hobbies I’ve set up over the years. I’ve written two TV dramas and a radio play; had one book published and am looking to place the second. Who knows there may even be a third! I’ve also continued with the occasional voice-over job – something I absolutely love being involved with and now have more opportunity to pursue. Oh, and I’m hoping to learn to play the saxophone! What would you choose to do if you had the chance?
But of course most importantly, and my main reason for stepping away from QVC was so that could have more time for my very large family and circle of friends. Being diagnosed with cancer some years ago was a wake up call for me, changing my habit of projecting WAY ahead to now taking one day at a time. And time is so precious… None of us know how much of it we have left, so I intend to make the very best of every single day.

I do hope you enjoy this blog, and will join me every fortnight so we can chat about anything and everything. If you care to comment below, I will always reply.
Have a great week,
With my love,
Ali x
Lucy says
Congratulations on your retirement!
Alison Keenan says
Very many thanks! xxx
Irena H Smart says
Missed your retirement day…. 😢…. although I noticed that you weren’t presenting whenever I tuned in to QVC….which is daily….and is on as I text these words… 😁
I remember your radio presenting and one day you were commentating on a self-defence course at a community centre at Ford Shropshire…. I was an attendee at the eourse…
Sorry, to take you back some years but those years are for me too…. and it was a lovely day….and your professionalism was warm and relaxed as you went around the group speaking to us and also reporting to the listening public.
Missed you on the TV…. but now I know why and as I close this text I wish you a happy long retirement and good continuing health….
Yours Sincerely
I H Smart.
Wendy Helm says
Lovely blog so good to hear you are enjoying retirement and able to see your grandchildren. Take care and looking forward to the next one xx
Alison Keenan says
Hi Wendy, so glad you enjoyed the blog. Yes I’m so lucky to have been able to stop working and now to be able to spend my free time with those I didn’t see enough of before. I do hope all is well with you, love Ali xx
Elaine says
Hi Ali you have been busy . I retired early some years ago and have since helped out with 5 grandchildren . Two are now at secondary but the younger 3 still come here before and after school. You probably remember me telling you when Poppy was born she is now 13! Enjoy the rest of the summer whatever the weather . Elaine
Alison Keenan says
Elaine! This is amazing 🙂 I do of course remember you telling me about Poppy and then your second granddaughter. How wonderful now to have five grandchildren and to be able to spend time with them and help with their upbringing – just fabulous! I hope you too enjoy the rest of the summer and I’ll look forward to hearing from you again if you have a moment? Love Ali xx
Anne Hamilton says
Hi Ali. I have been retired for the last 15 months after 43 years in healthcare. I can’t recommend it highly enough. I’ve got a volunteering job in my local (quite small) stately home which I love and so far this year have been abroad 3 times and had 3 mini breaks in the U.K. not to mention visiting a lot or museums and art galleries. I hope you have a great time too xx
Alison Keenan says
Wow! 43 years in healthcare Anne- that takes enormous dedication and energy I’m sure. But I’m so glad to know that you are now out there, doing what you love, and absolutely making the best of the free time you have. I love the sound of a volunteering job but I’m delighted that you have found time to travel abroad and in the UK. Carpe Diem! Thank you for getting in touch, I hope to hear from you again, love Ali xx
Sherrie Andrews says
Love reading your news Ali and will miss watching you on QVC which I have enjoyed for many years.
Alison Keenan says
Hi Sherrie, so glad that you have found the blog and taken time out to comment! I miss the Q too, but it’s great to keep in touch here. Love Ali xx
Lynn Bowen says
So happy for you Ali on your retirement enjoy as I have just done the same for similar reasons. 😀 I so miss you on QVC though you were so lovely and I would always enjoy no matter what you were selling. Xx
Alison Keenan says
Hi there Lynn and congratulations on your retirement. It takes a bit of getting used to, but I’m certain you will enjoy your new found freedom. Thank you for your kind words, they mean a great deal. I had the best of times at the Q Love Ali xx
Caroline Harrington says
So wonderful to hear that your enjoying your retirement, although it sounds like your time is being well occupied with the things and people you love. It’s been so great to read your blog and it’s fabulous that your admirers, such as myself, have the opportunity to follow your life after QVC. It certainly seems like your able to take life at your own pace, and devote time to the things that bring you joy and happiness. Your leaving QVC certainly left a big hole, we miss you on our screens so very much, however the most important thing to all of us that have admired you for many years, is that your living your best life. Stay happy and healthy lovely lady. Look forward to following your blogs in the future. Best wishes to you and your family. XX
Alison Keenan says
Dear Caroline, what a lovely comment to find here! I too am delighted that we will be able to keep in touch here as those of you I’ve considered as friends for all these years mean a good deal to me too! “Living my best life” is something I was advised to do when I first looked into retiring. It only takes one wake up call to make you realise just how precious life, and those we share it with, are to us. I hope you too will stay healthy and happy and I look forward to hearing from you in the future. Love Ali xxx
Patricia says
Hi Ali, you are an inspiration. I have watched you on QVC for at least 2 decades. I’ve always watched your progress through all the twists and turns of life but never made any contact.
In four weeks time I will retire and for the first time in my life I have no real plans and that feels quite scary but exciting at the same time. My only real plan at the moment is to try and do something new or different every day, starting with today in writing to you. I look forward to following your journey and also my own through retirement…..x
Alison Keenan says
Dear Patricia, how lovely to know that you’ve been with me all the way, and are now in touch! I fully appreciate the enormity of retiring and the lack of structure to your life that it will be. It’s definitely a mix of scary but exciting and I’m so chuffed that you are starting your new life by writing to me. We can keep in touch with each other as we tread the same path and I look forward to hearing how you get on. I hope you get a cracking send off when you leave! With love, Ali xx
Karen Ellis-Parks says
Loved reading this. Enjoy your retirement xx
Alison Keenan says
Hi Karen, so glad that you enjoyed reading the blog – I hope you’ll be able to join me again for the next one! Have a look round the website too if you fancy? Enjoy the rest of the summer and thanks for getting in touch, love Ali xx
Pauline Hickford says
Congratulations on your retirement. Enjoy every second although we do miss you very much. The new presenters are amazing but take getting used to after having familiar faces for so many years but time moves on and we adapt. Will follow your blog and see how you continue your journey. Much love xx
Alison Keenan says
Hi Pauline, That’s very kind of you to say, and I do miss my mates, the guests, the products and being on air! It was a huge part of my working life, but as you say time moves on, and we adapt. So glad that you want to follow the blog, and I’ll look forward to keeping in touch. With love, Ali xx
Louise Lewis says
Hi Alison
Happy retirement, lovely blog. Followed you from the Beacon Radio days and Stephen Rhodes. Such a long time ago.
I am 60 in a few weeks and hoping to part-retire as I can’t afford to fully retire, but after the last 3 awful years with covid and losing my mom I feel I really need to make the most of things and get out and about more!.
Take care.
Alison Keenan says
Oh Wow Louise, that is a very long time ago – they were great times and have left me with some very special memories. It was the beginning of my broadcasting career and I’ve loved every minute of it. I am so sorry to learn that you lost your mum and also have been poorly, but you are right in your decision to try and make the most of life now. I wish you a very happy birthday and I hope that part retirement will make life easier for you before you can actually stop altogether. Take care, and do keep in touch. Love Ali xx
Maxine says
Sad to see you leave , but so happy for you that you get to enjoy your family and friends more. 🙏🏻enjoy every moment
Alison Keenan says
Hi Maxine, that’s very kind of you to say. I feel incredibly blessed to be in a position to leave work and have had so much more time with family and friends over these last few months it’s definitely made leaving that bit easier. Love Ali xx
Karen Rix says
Hi Ali, I do miss your blogs on QVC and also seeing your lovely face. I loved hearing about your family and your house renovations. Hows it going by the way. I’m sure it will be beautiful. I’ve got another 12 months before I retire and find it quite scary. My husbands been retired 12 years and think hes scared too knowing I’m going to be home all the time. Bless him hes heen asking me to finish for a while now but I love my job in the NHS and I’m only part time now so it’s not too bad. I do look forward to finishing though, no more early starts and feeling so tired when I get home. I too love keeping busy and love walks, gardening reading and of course holidays which we are hoping to have more of without as you say booking leave and sorting out shifts.
I’ve enjoyed hearing about what you’ve been up to and look forward to hearing your next blog. By the way weve loved watching Lioness with Nicole Kidman, Hijack with Idris Elba. Worth a watch.
Lots of love Karen x
Alison Keenan says
Hi Karen, how lovely to hear from you. I’m really glad you enjoyed reading the blogs and I promise over the next few months I will be posting an update on the house renovations. It’s been nearly 2 years since we started and they have been some major changes made, but still I said it to go. Retiring is scary especially when you’ve worked all your life but I’m certain you will enjoy it as much as I am. You definitely won’t miss the early starts anymore! I spent a day in the garden today and it was great and Colin and I hoping to escape again one more time to Greece before the end of the summer. Thank you for the recommendation – we shall look out for Lioness with Nicole Kidman and also Hijack with Idris Elba. Take care and do keep in touch, Love Ali x
Loraine Plumb says
Hi Alison hope you are well and glad I am able to contact you again. All is well here Clare Geoff and the girls are ok Willa is 7 and Ottilie is 4 now. Gary and his wife live in Chippenham bought their first house but planning on coming back here to Ringwood at some point. Les and I are off to Corfu in 2 weeks time we went to the Amalfi coast in May. Glad you had a nice time in Crete. We were at my cousins funeral in Beaconsfield a few weeks ago I spent alot of time there as a child and remember you saying you were born there. After the wake we went to the crazy bear it’s very quirky isn’t it? I read you were there a few weeks ago too. I really have missed hearing from you so nice to be back in touch again. Loved and best wishes Loraine.
Mavis cornwall says
Hi Ali was thinking the other day I had not seen you on qvc and I use to love watching you especially your beautiful wedding photos,health and happiness always.I started watching qvc about the same time that you started there and
I suddenly became a widow enjoy your retirement and family time is going so fast love Mavis C xxx