Welcome! So glad you’ve found me here on my new website and I hope you’ll enjoy this week’s missive. Fingers crossed all is well in your world and you’ve seen a bit of sunshine? Hard to believe we’re through July already – a month that’s been far more grey and wet than most of us would have liked! And that’s what I’ve always loved about being lucky enough to holiday abroad – the promise of sunshine for at least a week!
But of course when I was working, like everyone else I’d have to book my leave at least a month in advance. Being retired has made things much easier in that respect, and so, with an unexpected weekend free we decided to book a last minute break to Crete. I knew it was going to be hot but not as hot as some of Europe, and having left a cold, wet and windy Luton airport in the early hours it was an absolute joy to step out of the plane into bright blue skies and Cretan sunshine. Colin and I had visited Crete in 2019 and always wanted to return to explore more of it, and it didn’t disappoint. We hired a car for a couple of days and drove through the incredibly mountainous centre of the island which afforded us fabulous views and a lovely mix of barren volcanic rock and lush green vines and olive trees. We reached Plakjas around midday when the temperature was over 40 degrees, with a hot sirocco wind blowing across the bay from Africa. Luckily we found a bar in the shade that had cold beer and air conditioning and we sheltered there before heading back through Agia Pelagia to Rethmyno and then our hotel. The rest of the week was a little cooler with a gentle breeze blowing and we swam, sunbathed, ate huge amounts of greek food and felt incredibly blessed to have escaped the rain at home.

Of course all that rain meant we got back to a fabulously green lawn in desperate need of mowing, but also a wasps nest in desperate need of destruction! I discovered it in the under eaves cupboard of the spare bedroom we’re currently sleeping in, literally days before we went on holiday and had no time to arrange anything. We’ve had wasps for the last four years but never inside the house, so we taped the door over, and Tony our neighbourhood pest controller came today to come and rescue us! He told us that what we can see is just a protector and empty inside, as we have a closed board roof. All the activity is within the slated area so he’s had to treat both sides. Although the nests themselves are unbelievably beautiful and extraordinarily well made as you can see, the wasps leave one hell of a mess on the surface underneath and because the house renovations are still ongoing, I was storing my summer clothes in the cupboard. Luckily most things were in plastic space bags so they weren’t damaged, but all the swimming costumes were filthy and needed washing. Now Tony’s done his work hopefully the problem will be resolved – until possibly next year!

I guess it’s all part and parcel of living in a fairly rural area which we love, but wasps aren’t our only visitors! We have Bert and Ethel, two ducks who nest in our garden and poop on the patio, and this year we are hosting a family of five rabbits! They’ve made their home underneath my vegetable trug, and they’ve decimated at least half a dozen plants that I’d been nurturing in my pots. This year it’s been the roses, the pansies, wallflowers and my one and only lupin! It had three fabulous blooms on it when I bought it, but after just one night the rabbits had eaten at least half of the foliage and broken the stems. I rescued it, and managed to balance it on an upturned tree stump where it made a valiant effort and grew more leaves and two more flower spikes. Encouraged by this I shifted my pots around and put the now hardy lupin back on the ground. It was fine for a week but then this happened! ☹ So… I’ve been told to try scattering chilli flakes onto the soil and the leaves of the plants as it irritates the rabbit’s nose but that hasn’t seemed to work. I bought the Vitax ‘natural’ rabbit repellant and tried the Grazers Rabbit Pigeon and Deer pollinator plant and people friendly repellant but they were completely ineffective. The trouble is I love the rabbits and apart from this annoying habit of theirs I enjoy seeing them bobbing about in the garden, but is there anything you could suggest I use to stop their nibbling? Or are there any plants apart from petunias they aren’t interested in?

I love gardening, and now I’m retired, if I’m mowing the lawn or weeding, that’s when I tend to listen to my audiobooks. I’ve actually got two credits with Audible at the moment which is unheard of as I used to be waiting for them to pop up each month so I could choose a new book to listen to! I’m coming to the end of Marian Keyes’ No.1 Sunday Times Bestseller Grown Ups which she has read herself, and which I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. I’m a sucker for an Irish accent and the story of Jessie, Johnny Casey, his two brothers and their families is very cleverly crafted and makes some pretty serious issues completely relatable. I like the fact I’m not sure how it’s going to end either! I also enjoyed Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus, and completely understand why it has been a best seller in England and the USA. However, I was somewhat surprised to see it shortlisted for the Comedy Women in Print prize. Granted the protagonist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman, and her life is anything but average – but laugh out loud funny? I’m not so sure about that. Definitely brave, positive, and I found the 1960’s TV studio plot really interesting, so I’d say well worth a read, but do let me know what you thought of it – we could compare notes? 😊
With no more night shifts, I’m watching a great deal more evening TV, and have just finished watching the Sky Atlantic super series Succession. Not the kind of thing Colin and I would normally choose but it’s been terrific. Based around the lives of meglomaniac Logan Roy (played by Brian Cox) and his three children, it follows the incredibly complicated and convoluted journey they all take trying to decide WHO will take over the running of the multi-billion pound empire that Logan controls. British actor Matthew Macfadyen also stars as son-in-law Tom Wambsgan and his character is fascinating. I remember him from the early days of Spooks where he met his wife of 20 years Keeley Hawes. What a talented couple they make! Any recommendations for future viewing would be lovely – you can leave them in the comments box below and I’ll get back to you.
So, I think that’s it for this time, but thanks so much for keeping in touch here; on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and until next time, take care.
With love,
Ali x
Serena8 Potter says
I’ve watched the 6th Commandment in 4 parts and Wolf in 6 parts on I-player. Both recommend. I’ve had my first foot bunion op 4/8 so have to elevate and rest it. Not really me sitting still all the time but trying to take care of it. You’ll understand after having yours earlier in the year. I usually just read books but might try audio……used to love your reading you did for us all. Anyway stay well Alison and enjoy everyday xx
Alison Keenan says
Morning Serena, good to hear from you and I very much hope you aren’t too uncomfortable after your bunion op and will continue to heal well. We too watched the Sixth Commandment and I thought it was extraordinarily well acted. Frightening to think it was a true story though. I found Wolf a little too violent for my liking so only managed the first episode! 🙂 Do try the audio books though, they’re great even if you’re just sitting. I’m currently enjoying the second book in Julia Roberts’ Rachael Hart trilogy but I’d also recommend Sarah Winman – anything written and read by her is an absolute joy. I’m hoping to do a little more voice-over work again, and audio books is on my wish list 🙂 Take care and keep in touch, love Ali x
Lesley White says
Never knew you had your own site! Will be reading the blog later on. X.
Alison Keenan says
Hi Lesley, I have to admit I was pretty lazy with my previous site but now I have more time, this is something I’m very much enjoying! I hope you enjoyed the blog? I should have a new one with you by the end of the week. Love Ali xx
Helen smythe says
Lovely to read your blog. You write with warmth n love.
We had a trip to Mykonos last year, enjoyed that very much . Not watched Succession, it’s on my list one of these days to watch . I enjoyed the two series of The White Lotus. Starring Jennifer Coolidge. Found it a bit quirky. Loved the scenery and music too.
Glad your back writing and in touch. Miss you on QVC and in lockdown I enjoyed listening to you read. Take care , Helen x
Alison Keenan says
Hi Helen, and thanks for the recommendation – I’ve made a note of The White Lotus and we’ll give it a go. I don’t believe I’ve been to Mykonos so I think Colin and I will add that to our bucket list.
It’s lovely to be back in touch and I should have a new blog for you by the end of this week. Take care, love Ali xx
Joanna Downey says
Hello Ali, I know that many will have missed your blog &, like me, will be delighted to be able to have a chat with you again. Social media platforms are fine but always feel slightly limited. Your holiday looked fantastic & leaving work gives us time & the freedom to be spontaneous. Our opportunity to take holidays during term time, something that hadn’t happened for decades, lasted for one year..! Having a daughter who’s a teacher, a mummy of two & relies on us for childcare means that we’re now back in the old routine & will be going away next week to be home for the start of the autumn term. We’re returning to Sicily for the first time in five years & after this gloomy excuse for a summer the sunshine will be very welcome. I’ve always planted herbs around lupins & delphiniums as both slugs & bunnies don’t like them & the RHS has good advice – https://www.rhs.org.uk/prevention-protection/rabbit-resistant-plants. Blue skies & sunshine Ali. Love from Jo x
Alison Keenan says
Dear Jo, how lovely to hear from you again although apologies for the late reply!! Yes, much nicer to have more space to write, although it doesn’t sound as though you have as much time as you’d planned! That’s very good of you to look after the grandchildren, but I realise it must be one heck of a commitment. Lucy also teaches, but luckily her school times time with honey so she is able to manage childcare herself. Their summer holidays are incredibly busy but we are seeing them this weekend. Thanks so much for the advice regarding the rabbits – I will definitely plant a few herbs in my pots. I hope you have a wonderful time in Sicily – we thoroughly enjoyed our holiday there last year particularly Taormina. Take care and love and sunshine to you too! Ali xx
Liz says
Hi Ali
So lovely to catch up with you again. Loving your new website. Clever girl!!
Do so miss you on QVC. Glad your enjoying your retirement though. Followed QVC for 30 yrs.Fashion is always my favourite hours. Nice that Julia is still there. I remember all the original presenters.,can’t beat em!!!
Getting my final cancer check up in November after a good 5 yrs. woohoo!
Love my rock concerts & have had a good year this year. Been to see Kiss Farewell concert. And Whitesnake farewell concerts too. All getting old I’m afraid. Seen The Eagles 12 times too.
Enjoy the rest of summer & your free time.Keep smiling … and keep rockin. 🎸
Ps love the saxophone. Great idea.
(The Rock Chic) xxx
Alison Keenan says
Hi Liz – 5 years clear in November! Definintely Woo Hoo 🙂 So pleased for you. That’s fantastic you’ve followed QVC for the entire 30 years. It wouldn’t be the same without Julia and I’ll admit I do miss the gang. It sounds like you make the very best of your spare time – I was listening to the Eagles music just last night but I’ve never been lucky enough to see them. I do hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and please do keep in touch. I need to do a bit of research into my saxophone plan! Take care, Love Ali xx
Ellen Dawson says
Great blog really enjoyed it
Alison Keenan says
Thanks Ellen, I’m very glad. Ali x
Loraine plumb says
Hi Alison so lovely to be in contact again as I’m not on Facebook. Glad you have been having a nice time going on holiday etc. Les and I went to Amalfi in May and we are going to Corfu in 3 weeks time. All is well with the family Gary and his wife live in Chippenham but are planning on selling next year and coming back nearer to us in Ringwood again. Clare Geoff and the girls are well they went back to Skiathos in May for their 10th wedding anniversary, Willa is now 7 and Ottilie is 4. We were in Beaconsfield for a funeral a few weeks ago unfortunately my cousin died but was nice to see people I hadn’t seen for years I thought about you as you said before you were born there, after the wake we went to the pub the Crazy bear it’s unusual isn’t it? Look forward to hearing from you best wishes love Loraine. Xx😀
Alison Keenan says
Great to hear from you Loraine and to catch up on all your family news. I’m glad that Gary and his wife are planning to come and live nearer to you again and I very much hope that you and Les have a great holiday in Corfu. We are planning to sneak back to Crete at the end of the month just to get a little more sunshine. That said, yesterday and today have been beautiful here. I’m sorry you lost your cousin but whatever the reason might be it’s always good to reconnect with family. Colin and I celebrated our wedding anniversary with a meal at the Crazy Bear – very quirky and great food! That’s incredible to think that Willa is now seven. Such a beautiful name as is Ottilie – Kathy Tayler’s daughter called her second daughter Ottilie. Do you shorten it to Tilly? I’ll look forward to keeping in touch with you here, Love Ali xx
Allie says
Your blog is lovely Allie – I did enjoy reading it.
We have a problem with rabbits in our garden as well – we don’t mind them if they stay on the grass but we have had to resort to wire fencing around most of our plants as we were losing so many! The only plant they don’t seem so keen on is lavender although the babies will sometimes chomp off the flowers and then leave them!
Alison Keenan says
Hi Allie, good to hear from you and I’m glad that you enjoyed the blog. If you have a look at the comments towards the top, Jo Downey wrote to me with advice and a link to help control rabbits in the garden. You may want to plant some herbs as she suggested but there will be other advice on the RHS website. Such a shame when you put time and effort into making your garden look beautiful. Good luck! Love Ali xxx
Mary Morphy says
Hi Ali..this is just like old times! Great to read all about your busy goings on and I’m so glad retirement is all you dreamed of. I’m on summer holidays so am working though a to do list..cab7n and fences on the garden have been rubbed down and painted..from safe green to Dark bluey grey..looks amazing but took longer than I wanted to due to the horrendous days of rain. I’m now half way through stripping the handrails and endpoints of the stairs back to bare wood..the white gloss just doesn’t stand up to having 5 adults and a nearly 2 year old in the house at the weekend…..my son and his partner have split up and share parenting..Arthur is 2 in October!
Must crack on, the heat gun is calling..oh I loved the video of your garden too. L9ve Mary
Alison Keenan says
Indeed it is Mary! 🙂 Lovely to hear from you and not remotely surprised to know that you are up to your armpits in chores! I’m loving the sound of the dark bluey grey for the cabin and fences. We still have the pale seagrass colour on our shed. Yes, it’s not been the best of Summers has it so you have to pick your days to do the work. I’m sorry that Jack and his partner split up but I’m glad that you get to see so much more of Arthur. Nearly 2 years old! That’s incredible. I hope to post a few more photos of the garden and the renovations with the house in the next blog. Take care and do keep in touch, love Ali xx
Lynn Hind says
Hi Ali nice to see you back again, it’s been a while haha. Life seems to wizz by and you wake up Monday and whoop it’s the weekend again. But retirement is a blessing, but aware so many retirees are struggling with the rising costs etc, I count my blessings im OK. Life certainly has its moments 😊 but things are good I have been binge watching the series ” yellowstone” with Kevin Costner on paramount + it’s really good plenty of twists lol 😆 tale care ok
Lynn x
Alison Keenan says
Hi there Lynn, I completely echo your sentiments about retirement. I feel very lucky indeed to have been in a position to finish working as I know it isn’t easy particularly with the economy in such a muddle. I’m glad life is good for you and thanks for the recommendation of “Yellowstone” – I’m a fan of Kevin Costner so will definitely look it up! Take care and enjoy the rest of the summer. Love Ali xx
Maureen says
Ali, lovely to see that you’ve got your website up and running and what a good one it is. Love reading what you’ve been up to but miss you presenting on QVC. Your holiday looks super and you look so well. Visited Crete whilst on a greek island cruise a few years ago but didn’t see a lot of it. Look forward to more of your interesting blogs. Thanks.
Alison Keenan says
Maureen thanks so much for your kind words. I did have a lot of help with the website but I’m really pleased you’re enjoying it. I miss being at QVC to that sometimes wonder how I ever have the time to work when there is so much to do here! We are hoping to sneak back to Crete at the end of this month and it’s a very big island so there’s plenty of it we haven’t seen either. Lovely to hear from you and I should have a new blog for you at the end of this week. Love Ali xx
Sarah says
Hi Ali ! Fabulous blog as it always is, miss you so much love n qvc ….not quite the same without you, hope your enjoying lovely times with your family, your house looks amazing, we are in the process of moving house early days yet as about to have survey done Friday the house we are buying is old so hopefully survey will be not too scary ! But before all the stress of moving am off to Jamaica on 27TH august with my hubby for some relaxation and making memories, lots of love to you , as I have said to you many times you are my icon and I hope to some how meet you one day, (I am the fan who sent you the tanazinite diamonque studs for your 60th) Love Sarah xxx
Alison Keenan says
Dear Sarah, lovely to hear from you and I do indeed remember you, and I still wear the fabulous Tanzanite studs you sent to me – very thoughtful of you. I wish you luck with the house survey and I’m certain if things need doing it will all go towards making it more your own home. I’ve never been to Jamaica but I’ve heard great things about it – do let me know how you get on. Take care and have a fab holiday love Ali xx
Jackie says
Loving the new website. Always an interesting read, about your busy life ( a little less busy now your retired) Like you I love gardening. A bit neglected the last week or so. We are decorating the living room. One of those jobs you wish you had never started, but will be worthwhile in the end. Who knew there were so many hues of beige. Finally after 2 weeks we have a colour we’re happy with. Fortunately my son is doing the painting for us. So I’m just supervising, a very important job. Well happy gardening. Looking forward to your next blog. Xxx
Alison Keenan says
Hi Jackie, I am glad you like the new website and I’m pleased that you’ve taken the time out to join me! I feel your pain when it comes to choosing paint. We had a couple of false starts with the very dark blue we had chosen for the living and dining room but are very pleased with it now. I did the painting and cutting in with such a dark colour is very tricky! Thank heavens for masking tape 🙂 I’m sure your son will do a great job for you. Very kind of him. Happy gardening to you too love Ali xx
Roz says
Hi. First time at this! Lovely to read all the news and comments posted here. Just bought your book to read Ali as I had a mastectomy in Jan 2021. You have to be positive at every step of the way. My husband and I retired a few months ago and are able to spend weeks at our caravan in Dorset with our puppy- Cockerpoo who is absolutely adorable. We like you, are keeping busy. I would like to be part of this community here and read all the news. Glad you are enjoying your time.