By crikey! I almost got whiplash from the speed January has flown by. Seems like only yesterday I was compiling the Christmas photographs to be included in my last blog and here we are, in February! Welcome ☺️

I think February is one of those great months where you definitely get a sense of new beginnings. I’ve got a few snowdrops poking through the pots in my garden and a row of reckless daffodils have put in an appearance too, but the most exciting event is my son Jack’s 31st birthday on the 2nd of the month. I’ll never forget the day he was born. I was two weeks overdue that February in 1993 and quite frankly looked more than a little like the Queen Mary coming into port, so I was somewhat relieved when he was delivered by emergency Caesarean weighing 10 pounds, two and a half ounces! He was such a beautiful baby though who rarely made a fuss and spent most of his early years smiling! Funny to think I was 32 years old when he was born and now he’ll be 31… Colin and I are heading up to Bromsgrove on Friday to take him out for dinner and stay over so that we can spend Saturday with him too which will be lovely.

It’ll be nice to escape from all the paint and dust at home to be honest. We had a lovely break over Christmas, but in January, we started work on our bedroom and having under coated most of the skirting boards and panelling that Colin has made and secured to the walls, it’s now time to rub down, fill in and apply the topcoat! There are units too, and wardrobes, so a fair way to go yet. We also have to choose a wallpaper to go inside the panelling and that is proving to be surprisingly difficult. Not because Colin and I disagree on what we want, but because there doesn’t seem too much choice out there of the colour that we would like which is a kind of burnt sienna or mustard tone. It’s a very sunny room, and we think it will complement the darker copper tones in the bathroom. I have a very clear memory of a bright yellow wallpaper I chose for my bedroom when I lived at home. It had gold line drawings of the sun all over it, and I absolutely loved it. I bought it with my first month’s earnings when I was 16 and mum helped me to hang it. I painted the bedroom myself and was delighted with the results. I used to have my little record player set up in the corner while I painted and my album of choice in the late 70s was Stevie Wonder’s ‘Songs in the Key of Life’. Listening to it now still can make me smile…
Music is to be the theme for Colin’s eldest son Dan when we celebrate his 40th birthday on the 7th of February! Colin is still reeling from the fact he has a son of that age and I think Danny is finding it hard to believe too! I keep telling them you’re only as old as you feel and I’m sure that our karaoke birthday event in London to celebrate will soften the edges ☺️
Something that certainly softened the edges and warmed my heart was the film ‘Wonka’ which my sister Jenny and Linda took me to see. I very much enjoyed the original Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory film starring Gene Wilder and then the somewhat darker version starring Johnny Depp, but this is the story of Willy Wonka’s childhood, and how he comes to own the chocolate factory. Timothee Chalamet stars and captivates with his charm, twinkling personality and beautiful singing voice, and he is accompanied by some mighty names. Olivia Coleman, Hugh Grant and Rowan Atkinson are marvellous; Cala Lane who plays Noodle is exceptional and even Sally Hawkins makes a cameo appearance. I was completely transported and can’t recommend it highly enough as it is utterly delightful with a fabulous soundtrack. Have you seen it? There are some truly great movies out at the moment, and Colin and I were thoroughly spoilt by Sam and Elise at Christmas as they treated us to a year’s membership of the local Odeon! I can’t wait to visit again.

In fact Sam and Elise were with us just last week when they stayed overnight so that I could drive them to Heathrow airport early the next morning to catch their flight to Bangkok. It’s the first leg of their extended honeymoon travelling across South East Asia. Four years ago, they left England on exactly the same day to travel around Thailand as friends, and now they are married! It’s a wonderful opportunity for them both and although we will miss them, I can’t wait to hear all about it once they return.
And I’ll look forward to hearing from you too if you have a moment. Jot down any comments below and I’ll always get back to you. It’d be great to know what you’re watching or reading or where you might recommend we go for a holiday? After the Flood on ITV is definitely worthwhile, and I am looking forward to the BBC Drama Maryland starring Suranne Jones and also Trigger Point with the amazing Vicky McClure!
Take care and thank you for keeping in touch,
With love,
Ali xxxx
Loraine Plumb says
Hi Alison glad all is going well with the house soon be finished but yes will be good to get away . We had a great time in Rome walked our feet off 25,000 steps on the day we went to the colosseum pallantine hill and Roman forum. 🤪 I have to say I had a few blisters and swollen feet which was uncomfortable but it was worth it. As you said January has flown by, Les has three long weekends through February holiday days so I expect that will fly by too. Hope you have a nice time with your son where does the time go , Clare is 39 in July and Gary 36 in November feel old all of a sudden. So nice to hear from you you never know we may bump into each other one day when you’re in this area. Love Loraine. Xx
Alison Keenan says
Hi Loraine, lovely to hear from you and to know that you and Les had such a great time in Rome. I remember the Collosseum, Pallantine Hill and the Roman forum when Colin and I visited nine years ago on our honeymoon, although I’m sorry you ended up with such sore feet! We had a lovely time with Jack for his birthday thank you – hard to believe he’s 31 now, but we celebrated last weekend with Colin’s son Dan who is now 40! I understand your comment about feeling old!! I hope you enjoy the longer weekends with Les and maybe you can plan another break soon? Take care, love Ali xx
Roz says
Hi Alison, glad all is going well with the decorating. We too are now looking into updating our conservatory and kitchen so in the early process of viewing designs etc. So much out there! Decided to stay where we are and not move as we are near a nature reserve with lovely walks with our puppy. Your comment about your son and his wife visiting Bangkok brought a somewhat worried smile to my face a few years ago, as our sons three friends went out there together with our son saying he would join them a week later with his backpack. We asked where he was going to meet them, and his reply was “oh I will meet them somewhere in Bangkok! Don’t worry I will find them somewhere!” Oh to be so bold and free! I am pleased January is out of the way really only to look forward to the warmer Spring months to follow. Our granddaughter is 2 years old at the weekend – d0 not know where the time has gone. Enjoy your birthday celebrations. Hope you find your wallpaper.
Alison Keenan says
Hi Roz, you’re right about there being a lot of advice and choices when it comes to updating and redecorating your home! I’m glad you decided to stay where you are particularly as you have a nature reserve close by. I know I would miss all the fields and places to walk here if we moved further into a city. I’m glad your son enjoyed his time in Bangkok, but I do appreciate your concerns as I have them too! Sam keeps in touch fairly regularly though and they do seem to be enjoying themselves. I do hope you enjoyed your granddaughters second birthday and we have indeed found the wallpaper! I should put a sample of it up in my next blog. Take care and enjoy the week Love Ali x
Karen Brooker says
Hi Ali lovely blog as ever. I did smile to myself when you said about your Jack being born. My son was also big at 9 pounds 12 and i also ended up with a Caesarean, thank goodness!! Is such a shock when you have a big baby. Bless!! What a lovely picture of your Sam and Elise. They look so happy and what a great adventure they will have. I too am loving After The Flood and Trigger Point. Both are great. Am just reading my favourite author at the moment Peter James the Roy Grace series – Stop Them Dead. Love this series of books. Take care xx
Alison Keenan says
Hi there Karen, good to hear from you and you made me smile telling me about your big baby boy! Jack was such a lovely bonny baby but has grown in to a very tall lean young man and we had a great time with him last weekend for his birthday. And yes, Sam and Elise are really making the best of their time away and have shifted across to another of the islands where they are currently exploring. So glad you are enjoying the same TV dramas – I have to say I’ve got into silent witness to! And thank you for the recommendation of the Roy Grace series. I might will give him a go once I finish my JoJo Moyes novel. Take care, love Ali xx
Sonia Hughes says
Hi Ali, lovely to read your blog.. Lovely the look of your bedroom. It going to look very smart.
I have just finished a fabulous book by Mike Gayle. Called Half a World Away. I couldn’t put it down. Mother better than having a good book to read.
I hope they all enjoy their birthdays.
Busy month of birthdays for me too.
Brother in law , youngest grandson, daughters partner, daughter and daughter in law.
2,7,9,17 and 23rd.
Have a good month. Love Sonia xxx☺☺
Alison Keenan says
Hi Sonia, and thank you for your kind words – I think the bedrooms look great too and Colin is currently working on the wardrobes. It’s all very convoluted but a great deal of measuring and clever woodworking means we get bespoke wardrobes at the end of it! Thank you for the recommendation – I shall look up Half A World Away on Audible and maybe get it with my next credit along with the Roy Grace series! Jack enjoyed his birthday as did Dan and I will be writing about that in my next blog and it sounds like you have a busy month too! Most of these dates are passed now but I hope you enjoy the celebrations. Here’s to the rest of February, love Ali XX
Hilary Patterson says
Hi Alison, Love reading your blogs and what is happening we had a lovely Christmas as we learnt we ar3bgoing to be grandparent , the baby is due June 24th we laughed my husband told his friend if I lost Hi.ary in a shop go to clothing or makeup now it’s the baby section this baby will be spoilt it’s a I VF baby so fingers crossed but exciting time x
Alison Keenan says
Hi Hilary, well it’s good for me to know that you enjoy reading the blogs too and I’m also delighted that you are due to be grandparents. It’s always special but never more so than when a baby has been so desperately wanted and taken a long while to get here. Very exciting times ahead for you and you made me laugh saying that your husband will now be searching for you in the baby section of a department store! Wishing you all the luck, do keep in touch, love Ali xxx
Sue Radford says
Hi Lovely Ali,
Sue Radford here one of the original Ali’s Army.
I’m so glad you are well and enjoying your retirement with your family. Honey has grown so much. It’s frightening how fast time goes by. I love reading your blogs.
Best wishes as always,
Love Sue x
Alison Keenan says
Gosh Sue, I wonder how many years it’s been since I posted that first blog and you joined ‘The Army” . I know it’s a very long time and hard to believe that honey will be nine in May. As you say shocking to know how quickly time passes that’s why it’s important to make the very best of each day. So glad that you enjoyed reading my blogs and thank you for keeping in touch, love Ali xx
Mary Morphy says
Hi Alison, it’s taken a while for me to reply as I had a nasty chest infection and the end of January then BAM followed that with COVID which left me pretty poorly. I felt rough and my poor old lungs struggled…I have COPD so it was a bit scary. I am on.the mend but still coughing like I smoke 100 a day (I have never smoked) and I get puffed out very easily..I read your packed blog and all the decorating updates and I am exhausted!
You’ve certainly had a busy few weeks since December and I can’t believe we are at half term already! Thank you for the updates on your wonderful family, I enjoy reading about them all.
My daughter was 24 on 26th Jan, the day before she and her boyfriend got a mortgage offer and have bought a wonderful 2 bedroom maisonette in Birchington on Sea, 5 minutes in the car from me which is going through. It’s fabulous they are both so excited and they are buying all the things they need for a first home together. It needs a little TLC but only painting and tidying up the bathroom etc. They are going to have vertical blinds fitted on the windows and new oak doors..its going to look wonderful and I am so excited for them. I will miss her terribly but not the long ginger hairs that block up the bathroom plug and my hoover!!
I watched the After The flood when I was poorly and binge watched it..it was fabulous!
I’m doing a mosaic course with me friend tomorrow, something I’ve been longing to try..I hoping to make a large flat dish to go on my dining room table. My friend wants to make a seahorse set in concrete!
I hope the weather is good where you are, its very damp and soggy in Westgate! Typical half term weather.
Take care, love Mary
Alison Keenan says
My dear Mary, I’m so sorry you’ve been going through the wars again! Relieve some of the Christmas at least gave you some time off work when you are feeling well. A friend of mine also has Covid and has really been struggling. I know that with your additional COPD it would’ve put a strain on your lungs so I very much hope you’re taking it easy and don’t have to go back to work until you are fit! I can’t believe your daughter is 24 now but how wonderful that she and her boyfriend have a home in their own. They’re also very lucky to have you as I know how wonderful you are at decorating and designing room spaces. I’m sure you will miss her but five minutes in the car is nothing these days. I’m so glad you enjoyed After The Flood – do try Trigger Point it is sooo well written! I am loving the sound of a mosaic course – you must send me a photo of the finished article. I’m sure it’ll be fabulous 🙂 do take care, and rest up during this half term. After a beautifully sunny day yesterday it has been cold grey and wet today. Suffice to say I’ve not headed out but plan to get on my exercise bike and watch the penultimate episode of Trigger Point tonight! Oh, and if you have sky Atlantic do you watch out for Julia – starring Sarah Lancashire – it is the story of the first TV chef Julia Childs and it’s brilliantly acted and very watchable. Take care, love Ali xx
Merche Gardiner says
Hello Ali, believe it or not, I have only just found your blog, having missed speaking with you on QVC. So lovely to find Sam is now married!!! and that and that Jack shares his birthday with my daughter Heidi’s , she now has a granddaughter called Gracie who is three and a half. How is Lucy and Honey who must be quite grown up now. John was 80 in January I don’t know where the years have gone, we had a surprise party for him with all the family.