Hello there and thank you very much for the overwhelming response to my first two blogs of the year! It meant so much to me to hear from you after all this time and to know that life continues to be pretty good for most of us, with some marvelous milestones achieved by others – congratulations!

I also loved comparing notes on how you’re spending your retirement and thanks to Jo for her advice re my marauding rabbits – my lupin is definitely happier! 😊
I can’t believe we’re almost at the end of August and that it’s virtually three months since I retired! Although I miss the gang at QVC very much it still feels a bit like the sabbatical I took last year, but this time I won’t be returning… I’ll be honest though, I seem to have been crazy busy each week, not just in the garden, but also indoors. I’ve completely spring cleaned the kitchen and hope to redecorate in the new year, and we have finally chosen a colour for the sitting room and dining room walls. We decided to paint just one wall in each room – a feature wall I think it’s called – and so I completed it a couple of weeks or so back. The colour is Lido Blue – what do you think? There’s still a great deal of ongoing work but I can definitely see a light at the end of the tunnel. I promise I’ll bring you up to speed on the renovations another time.

So, in between all that, we headed to the Vale of Glamorgan for a couple of days to join Colin’s son Joe and partner Hayley, plus our two grandsons Rhys and Corey. They were holidaying there with Colin’s other son Dan and his daughter Calla in the beachside caravan park at Porthcawl. Colin and I had found a lovely little Airbnb cottage not far from the coast and so we stayed there at night but spent the days with the family. It’s such a lovely part of Wales and we visited Ogmore by Sea and Southerndown and were blessed with two afternoons of bright sunshine and blue skies. Perfect for rock pooling, paddling and collecting shells before a supper of pizza and chips! Sadly Lucy and Honey couldn’t join us but Honey had been to stay over a few weeks earlier and we’d had a great time – running races, painting, playing crazy golf and Monkey Buzz and enjoying brunch out! Precious memories.

I had a memorable day out with my sister the following week, when we were treated to a photo shoot – a Christmas present from my friend Jo. We travelled in London on the Elizabeth line and were treated to a total makeover before having a lovely selection of photos taken. This was one of our favourites and the perfect reminder of a very special time together.
I was also really pleased to be able to have my godmother Edna to stay. Now that the spare room and en-suite have been completed I could look after her properly, and we were also blessed with great weather as the sun shone for almost her entire visit. She’s had a very difficult time of it this year having lost her sister and then her dear friend John, and so it was good to be able to give her some TLC and a place to rest.

We’re lucky as our home is in a pretty rural area on the outskirts of a small village with the rather unusual name of ‘Touchen End’! We’re on a fairly busy road but that week there were temporary traffic lights so it was pretty quiet. However some days aren’t as peaceful as others because we’re also directly under the flight path to Heathrow Airport! You can almost set your watch by the planes some days but to be fair it’s probably on three days out of seven. In an effort to embrace this amazing mode of transport, I downloaded an app that enabled me to recognise not just the airline, but also where the plane had come from. Luckily while Edna was with us they were pretty sporadic and it reminded us of the years we lived in Surrey, which wasn’t a million miles from Heathrow – same as here really. Although occasionally we’d be aware of a PanAm or BOAC plane darkening the skies for the most part it was pretty quiet. That all changed in 1976 – the year I left school and the same year Concorde was launched. British Airways operated a twice daily service between London and New York and we’d see this incredible aircraft shooting through the sky like an enormous swan in flight and then seconds later the supersonic boom would make the Crittall steel window frames of our house shake! God it was loud but absolutely glorious! I would’ve loved to fly in Concorde or to meet someone who had. I know it stopped flying in 2003 but perhaps you were lucky enough to experience this amazing flight which apparently soared so high you could see the Earth’s curve? Do let me know if you did.
Thank you for your TV and reading recommendations, I hope to work my way through them over the next few months. I’ve been glued to the Prime series ‘This Is Us’ which was such a huge hit in the States and was released here during the pandemic. It is absolutely superb and although I still have the final series to watch, I don’t want it to end. Colin and I enjoyed the film The Duchess with Keira Knightly and Ralph Fiennes last night, and last week we made a rare visit to the cinema to see Oppenheimer which was incredible yet very disturbing.
Well, I think that’s all my news for now, so I hope you’ll have a great weekend and time away if you still have a holiday to look forward to. Do drop me a line if you have a moment, and I promise to reply.
Love Ali xxx
Gay Bulley says
Hi it’s lovely to catch up with how things are going , tuesday nights are not the same with out you 😔 retirement is fun getting to do all those things that you never had time to do .
I Retired early to take care of my husband who had a massive stroke , he’s doing grand , it’s a long road for my at the tender age of 62 I passed my driving test and I’m braving the motorway to Devon next month , we all have to live each day as you never know what’s round the corner 🌸
Alison Keenan says
Dear Day, thank you so much for taking the time out to write and I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. Very relieved to know that you were able to retire and can now look after him. So many congratulations for passing your driving test – I’m sure you’ll be fine on the motorway to Devon next month. Carpe diem – seize the day – completely in agreement with your sentiment. Take care of each other, love Ali xx
Clare McKenzie says
Hello Alison, you really are an inspiration. You are not only lovely on the outside but also inside. Not enough people like you around. I only know you through QVC but I always enjoyed your shows, especially the jewellery. Anything that sparkles or bubbles is like a magnet to me. I’m a more is more person, and why say a little when saying so much more can be interesting? My journey so far in life has had its moments where I have laughed so much I’ve had to change my underwear and cried so much I can’t go out for days as my eyes are so red and swollen that no one will serve me at the bar! I can see you’re not planning on a relaxing retirement. I’m very sorry your husband has been so unwell, however what a relief for you and your family he is slowly mending. My husband has had a very difficult time this year, I say it’s only because the dishwasher went on the blink and it’s his way of avoiding the washing-up. (He knows I love him dearly) Challenges like this bring everything into perspective and given the barrel load you seem to of had, must make you very wise indeed. Some of my challenges have been very helpful as I also write and in an odd way, it inspires my imagination to write a ”who done it” All unpublished, too afraid of negative feedback or ending up in a pile in a bookshop next to a royal publication, but lost in my spare I’ve been trying to lose for years, just too much feral chocolate around that targets my lips. It’s 05:35 and I need to sleep. I just wanted to say Weldone girl, Thank you for all your humour over the years, and I along with many do miss you. I wish you a good retirement and happy memory-making V Clare X
Helen Smythe says
Reading what you’ve been up to I don’t know how you had time for qvc! Although the summer months we fill with so much more than the winter months when we tend to snuggle up more. Love hearing what you’ve been up to. My life is very quiet in comparison. I do look after my mum who is 86 and a half! She lives 50 miles away but I go each week n phone her daily. Considering her age she does fantastic n we’re so lucky that she has all her faculties n is still relatively mobile . We’re very lucky.
Would love to see your house renovations, you’ve been at it a few years now, you must have the patience of a saint!
Enjoy your bank holiday xxx
Alison Keenan says
Hi there Helen, I have to say I’ve thought that myself more than once over the last few months! 🙂 Although I’m sure it’s a mighty commitment, how lovely for you to be able to look after your mum and I’m sure your visits and phone calls mean the world to her. As promised I will be posting up a little video of all that’s been going on in the next blog and you’re right, it will be two years next month since it all began… I’m not always that patient! I hope you enjoyed the Bank Holiday, and I look forward to hearing from you next time. Love Ali xx
Mary Morphy says
Hi Ali, my retired friends say they don’t know how they managed to fit work in..sounds like you’re filling your time and enjoying the rewards that retirement brings and I enjoy reading about them.
I’m glad your Godmother managed to finally visit; my Godmum was also called Edna and was an incredible lady who sadly died of Dementia and complications the disease brings..but she was just the most marvellous, stoic and brave lady..she and my mum were best friends.
My school holiday To Do list is FINISHED..to the detriment of my already struggling fingernails ( thanks to menopause) I have stripped the many layers of paint off the bannisters and posts…the paint remover gunk which promised to remove 12 layers of paint did not do what it said on the tin and it took me all day to strip one post so I borrowed a heat gun. Game Changer! Still took a week but I did it, not perfect, but I persevered. I’ll be honest, it wasn’t one of my best ideas and I wish I hadn’t started it but it’s done now and I’m very pleased with the outcome. The bare wood is much better than white gloss coveted in finger marks!
I’m now wanting to redecorate the lounge diner which has not been done for 5 years..and funnily enough, I want to paint one very long wall a dark navy with the other walls being white with a grey blovk of colour strategically placed..I’ve made a file on Pinterest and I have a vision on my head..which has worried my husband but he needs to trust me! It won’t be easy with a houseful but I’m definitely going to start in a couple of weeks…although I may start stripping paper off the chimney breasts next week if i get a free day ..last week of school holidays next week..its flown by!
I’ve been been pottering in the garden which looks beautiful, dead heading and trying to keep my superman slugs at bay..they have no intention of being deterred by Richard J’s pellets or anything else I use..one of my gorgeous purple dinner plate dahlias seems to be the ‘sacrificial lamb ‘ and looks battered, chewed and very sad..it must taste good!
We’ve got John’s family down tomorrow..10 of us plus a 2 year old..chaos! Hoping the weather is dry so we can eat outside. Enjoy your Bank Holiday. Love Mary (aka Suzie Harmer on fb!)
Alison Keenan says
Dear Mary, I’m sure you told me awhile back that you were Suzie Harmer on Facebook, but I had completely forgotten! It sounds as though you’ve done another cracking job in the garden and your plans for indoors sounds great. I’m sure that John does trust you, you’ve done the lions share of the decorating for years now! My friend Roz suggested I made a file on Pinterest as I have ideas and then forget them which isn’t terribly useful. Sorry to hear about the slugs… There’s not been a problem this year thank heavens just wasps and rabbits! I hope you enjoy the last few days of your well-deserved break and going back to work won’t be too horrific. Thank you for writing to me, love Ali xx
Helen slee says
Hi there Ali, an original Ali’s Army recruit here.
‘Don’t wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain.’
I posted this on your QVC blog many moons ago and sent you a picture of my daughter and I.
Hope you’re well?
Do keep in touch xx
Alison Keenan says
Helen I remember you well and I particularly remember this quote. My son Jack bought it for me written on a slate, and I have it hanging on the wall in my kitchen. I’ll be honest I forgotten the photograph, but I’m imagining your daughter must be incredibly grown-up by now? I’m fine thank you, still in remission and definitely less tired now I’m not working shifts. I hope you are well and thank you for keeping in touch, love Ali xx
Wendy Helm says
The highlight of my week to read your blogs. You have a very caring family and you enjoy your time with them. We only have one granddaughter who is now 18 we have looked after her since she was born so do miss seeing her now only very occasionally. She is off to Newcastle university in September so proud of her so you make the most of your time with your grandchildren. Have a great bank holiday. Xx
Alison Keenan says
What a lovely thing to say Wendy! And yes we are incredibly blessed with our family especially as there are so many of us! I’m certain you will miss your granddaughter very much, particularly as she heads off to university in September. Don’t underestimate though how much she will miss you too – I’m certain you’ve made the very best of your time with her this last 18 years. Enjoy the bank holiday and thank you for keeping in touch love Ali xx
Loraine Plumb says
Hi Alison lovely to see your photos with your sister and grandaughter and Colin’s son on the left of the photo looks just like him. So glad you’re keeping busy at least you’re getting time to do what you want you deserve it. I love your feature wall we have a colour similar in our bathroom and en suite it looks nice because it’s broken up with a lot of tiles. We have just painted the coving in the lounge a sage green just to add a bit of difference as we have a new sofa coming in a few weeks. Your garden looks lovely, we only have pots because of you remember we downsized a couple of years ago. Oh well that’s all for now we have the girls staying on Friday night so it will be all go. Love and best wishes Loraine.xxx😀
Alison Keenan says
How lovely to hear from you Lorraine, I do remember you downsizing and moving and although I have a lot of lawn, I only have a couple of flowerbeds the rest of my plants are in pots too. Lucy also has navy blue in her bathroom and that was the inspiration for me to choose the colour. I’m liking the sound of the sage green too and I hope your new sofa is comfortable. Enjoy your time with the girls – I bet they’ve grown up a lot in the last few years. With my love, Ali xx
Gillian Veers says
Hi Ali, loved reading your blog and hearing your news.
And it is surprising how many people once retired say they have been as busy if not more, than when they were at work. There always seems to be some job needing to be done. But I am glad to hear you are also taking time out for fun stuff. Your trip to Wales sounded great fun.
Speaking of Concorde I was very lucky because as a BA employee I was privileged to fly on Concorde and also was very privileged to have free access to have a look around her by one of her engineers, when she was in the hanger being serviced. (I always thought of Concorde as a she, because of her beauty and elegance). I sat in the Captains seat and was even allowed to stand on one of her wings, in socks of course. Concorde has always been my favourite aircraft and always will be. And I have always called her my Concorde. Great memories. The day of her final flight was a very sad day and from where I live I saw all the Concordes flying in formation to land at Heathrow and I had tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. She was the plane of the future who arrived too soon. There will undoubtedly be other supersonic aircraft invented, but there will never be another Concorde. She is unique, and irreplaceable. And even her boom was exciting. Knowing her schedule of twice a day 11am and 6pm I could time to the second when she was going to fly over on take off or landing. And when yhat ended it was quite strange for a long time. I missed hearing her boom and feeling the whole house shake as she flew over.
Anyway, just thought I would tell you about my experiences with Concorde. Hope your bank holiday weekend has been good. Take care.
Alison Keenan says
Hi Gillian, thank you SO much for responding to the blog and for your unique insight and experience of flying on Concorde – and not just the flying but getting a really good look around her while she was being serviced, sitting in the Captain’s seat and walking on the wing! I do hope you had photos taken? Everything your write is exactly how I imagined it would be and I know you weren’t alone in your sadness when she ceased to fly. How amazing to have seen all the Concordes flying in formation to land at Heathrow – that would certainly have made the house shake! No doubt you thoroughly enjoyed your time with BA but I’m certain this would have been the highlight and quite historic. Thank you so much for sharing, love Ali xx
Roz says
Hi. My first time writing here. I have read your book “A New Kind of Normal” as I can resonate with some of your thoughts. Really enjoyed it. I saw you liked Marian Keyes and I have just read Anyone Out there-excellent, very poignant and pulls at your heart strings. I think
you will enjoy this. Like you my husband and I retired a few months ago and are now enjoying lots of days at our Dorset holiday home with our cockerpoo who is adorable, mad and just turned 1 year old! Glad you are enjoying your time and love the blogs and comments by everyone here. It is so nice to be part of a community.
Alison Keenan says
Hi Roz, lovely to hear from you, and I’m so glad you enjoyed “A New Kind of Normal” – it always cheers me to read the reviews and to know that an experience shared often helps. Congratulations to you and your husband on your retirement, and how glorious to have more time to spend in the beautiful county of Dorset! I’m sure your cockerpoo keeps you busy and I hope you’re enjoying this beautiful Indian summer we’re experiencing. I too am delighted that so many folk have responded to the blog so we can start to build the community again, and thanks for the book recommendation – I’ll definitely look out for ‘Anyone Out There”. A new blog will be posted soon, love Ali xx