What a difference a month makes! And not just the weather but in the number of miles I’ve covered and the people I’ve seen!
Since I last wrote Colin and I sneaked over to Gozo to spend time with our friends, Cordelia (a model I worked with at QVC) and her husband Barry and to attend the annual White Party, so called because everyone wears white! What a venue! The tables were set out on the salt pans in Zebugg, with the beautifully lit sandstone cliffs curving round to the sea, a live band with an amazing saxophonist and delicious gourmet dinner. We ate, talked and danced almost until dawn getting back into our beds around 4 am! I thought I was getting a bit old for all this, but boy did we have fun!

Since then I travelled to Hampshire to meet Roz for a day and then stay with my sister, driven to Oxford to spend time with Clare Edmonson and her beautiful daughter Coco and Surrey for a birthday lunch with Debbie Greenwood.
We’ve also made the best of our time this summer to help with childcare and consequently have had some fabulous days with all four of our grandchildren. Honey came to stay with us for a couple of days as did Calla and we baked, played, read books, went cycling with Grandad and thoroughly enjoyed being together. I think I’ve said before, but whenever I’m with them I feel as tho I’m in my twenties again, enjoying that precious time when my own children were small. It is such a blessing and I love every minute of it.

We also managed to arrange a day out with the grown-up children too, and in spite of the filthy weather we all had a great time on the Jurassic Coast. The plan had been to have a beach day, complete with picnic, building sandcastles and swimming but it was perishing cold and blowing a Hooley so we played the arcades instead, took the steam train to Corfe Castle then braved the elements and picnic’d on the grass bank overlooking the turbulent sea!! Calla and I did spend some time on the sand looking for seashells, and Rhys paddled for a while until his feet turned blue, but the highlight of the day was the crazy golf which has become a bit of a family favourite! It was a pretty small set up but great fun and the perfect end to the day. 😁 Lucy and Honey weren’t able to be with us but I headed to Swindon the following day and together we enjoyed another game of crazy golf, but this time indoors with a particularly inventive course! I’m beginning to feel semi professional!! 😁

Also this August, we had my godmother Edna to stay. She lives in a retirement village and has no children so it’s very special for us to be able to have time together. I do visit her regularly, but it’s nice for her to have a change of scenery and so we booked lunch by the river in Windsor. She’s not as mobile as she’d like to be in spite of two new knees but she was fine with the short walk along the river and over the bridge to Eton, and as she said, at 86 years old it’s all about making those memories…
And that’s the lovely thing about writing this blog – it’s like a diary and a wonderful way for me to look back over the years and remind myself of all that’s happened. It’s not all been plain sailing as you know, and it’ll be five years next month since my mum died which I find really hard to believe. Sometimes it feels like yesterday when I was in her kitchen chatting to her yet other times it feels like an eternity. She enjoyed writing too and when I told her of my plan for a writing room she was really keen for me to get the ball rolling. However with the house rebuild it was put on hold until last month when Colin started clearing the space for me to set up. We’re using reclaimed panels from an old conservatory and it’s going to be beautiful when it’s finished. It’s something I’ve always dreamed of and hopefully it will give me the incentive to start writing again…

I think that’s probably all my news except to tell you I’m writing this whilst looking out to sea on the south coast of France in a beautiful place called Bacares. Colin and I are driving down and across the border with Spain to Barcelona. Plenty of photos to follow!
Take care and I look forward to hearing from you when you have a moment.
Do keep in touch with me here or on Facebook and Instagram. Sending sunshine and my love,
Ali xx
Anita says
Hi Ali, it is such a joy reading your blogs, and hearing about the precious times you have with family.
I lost my dad 2yrs ago with Dementia,and as you say about your mum, some days it feels like forever.
We are blessed to have such treasured memories of them, and to have our own loving children, and grandchildren.
I wish you every happiness.
Anita X
Alison Keenan says
Hi there Anita,
Lovely to hear from you and I’m so glad you enjoy the blogs. I was so sorry to know that you lost your dad to dementia two years ago… it’s such a huge loss in your life, but I am very glad to know that you have children and grandchildren to keep his memory alive… Take good care and thanks for keeping in touch. Love Ali xx
Loraine plumb says
Hi Alison again you have been very busy glad you had a nice time everywhere love hearing about your busy life. we are still in Venice but nearly at the end of the holiday the weather has been very up and down but we have been lucky enough to see more sun than other people just arriving so we have a nice tan which makes you look healthy I always think and like you we use ultra sun you can’t beat it. Hope you had a lovely time in France and weather is still ok when you get to Spain. Best wishes to you love Loraine xxx
Alison Keenan says
So glad you have had some decent weather in and among the showers Loraine, and I completely agree with you about having a tan and also using Ultrasun sunscreen! It makes your tan last longer too I find. What did you think of Venice? Did you get to the island of Murano? France was good as was Spain, but like you the weather was mixed. Photos to follow in the next blog 🙂 Love Ali xx
Rachel Scott says
Hi Ali
You’ve had a wonderful time! Being with loved ones is very precious. I lost my father 17 years ago last week. I agree with how you feel. Sometimes it feels like an eternity since he passed away and yet at others like no time at all. I don’t feel quite the same person without him.
I loved hearing that you’ve been to Gozo. I went there at 18 and it was very underdeveloped and I swam (on a trip to Comino) in the Blue Lagoon. I am 58 now and have never been back so I really should go again to see how it has changed. There weren’t many good hotels back then!
I really love the writing space idea. I have a she-shed that I’ve got all done up to write in and it’s very peaceful and I find it’s easier to concentrate without the ‘noise’ of the house. I hope you’ll enjoy yours when you Colin!) get it finished!
Starting to think about packing for Rhodes. Lots of white things going in.
Enjoy the South of France. The weather there is so warm and uplifts the soul ready for winter.
Love Rachel xxx
Alison Keenan says
Dear Rachel, I do feel for you and know how hard these anniversaries can be… And I also agree that we’re never really quite the same people without them either. My dad died very suddenly in 1987 when he was 54, it still shocks me to think I’ve lived all these years without him…
How fabulous you went to Gozo when you were 18. Camino is still beautiful and blue, but it is absolutely CRAMMED full of people and boat trips during the high season so maybe a trip early in the year would be best for you. I’d choose an Airbnb over a hotel although The Cornucopia is lovely 🙂 Your she-shed sounds fab – fingers crossed we get the chance to complete the writing room before the end of the year. Enjoy Rhodes, and thank you for writing to me, love Ali xx
Sonia Hughes says
Looks like you have had a great summer despite the awful weather we have had here. In Wales we have not had a great deal of sun but this past week has been lovely.🌞😎
Cornelian looks well. I remember her on QVC. Her hair looks lovely.
Great photos. Lovely to spend time with the grandchildren, they definately keep you young.
My son and his wife are expecting their first baby jn March so that’s very exciting.
I have the triplets Ethan, Mason and Isla who are 12 and Tiago 8 so be great to have a baby again.
Looking forward to Christmas with them.
You are looking really well. I look forward to seeing pics of writing room when it’s completed. I am sure it will be lovely.
Are you still doing your daily walks. I know I need to do more walking daily rather than a 12 mile hike.
Take care, keep blogging xx😃
Alison Keenan says
Congatulations Sonia on your expected grandchild! How lovely for you to be having another baby in the family. I feel the same as Corey is three already and very grown up, but I’m sure you’ll have a cracking Christmas with them all. I’ve been rather lax with my walking to be honest although we did a fair bit while we were in France and Spain. I should be able to get out on my local 6k walk soon once the crops are harvested and I can see the walkway again! Take care, and thanks for keeping in touch, love Ali xx
Tina T says
Hi Ali, as usual what a busy time you’ve been having. Gozo sounds amazing. You always seem to take such beautiful photos.
I’ve just come back from Suffolk with my boyfriend where we stayed in a lovely barn b&b in Dunwich on the coast. We had some good weather but nearly got blown away the day we went to Southwold and walked along the pier and promenade!
I had a nice surprise a few weeks ago when Rylan read my email out on Radio 2 and played my three song choices at the end of his show – I was so chuffed and downloaded it to listen again on BBC Sounds. His programme always makes me smile!
Anyway, that’s about it for now.
Take care and I look forward to reading about your next escapades!
Love Tina xx
Alison Keenan says
Hi there Tina, I’m glad you enjoyed Dunwich on the Suffolk Coast. We’ve been to Southwold but luckily it was a beautiful day and not at all windy, unlike Bacares in France where we’ve just returned from! How wonderful to have your music selection chosen by Rylan and played out on Radio 2! He is a lovely man – I really enjoyed the shows I had with him at QVC – very generous spirit and funny too. I should have a new blog up soon with more photos, but thank you for keeping in touch. Take care, love Ali xx
Mary Morphy says
Hi Alison, another wonderful blog and thank you for sharing..I hope your writing area has progressed from a concrete base?? The holiday photos looked gorgeous especially as its definitely cooling down..the winds have been strong here and my fan is only on number 1 at night!
I’ve been busy trying to get the kitchen ready for a repaint and have chosen a paint called relaxed oats to paint my kitchen cupboards with..the wall and ceiling will remain white and we will get new flooring once I’ve finished. I was going to make the kitchen my half term job but as its still 4 weeks away and we have Arthur mid week rather tha at the weekend for the next couple of weeks so I thought I may as well crack on..plus I’m not sure when I’m having surgery so my as well get started. I have an appointment on Wednesday to see the nurse and anaesthetist but no idea when surgery will be.
I have just watched the first part of Joan, ITV 4 part drama based on a true story..its brilliant, are you watching it?.
I have also got the garden Autumn ready, I’ve moved some bits around and planted more bulbs..I add more every year and some more primroses. I also went and planted up Chloe’s little garden a few weeks ago with some shrubs..I had a good spend up at the garden centre..I planted hydrangeas, ferns, Japanese anemones, a ceonothus and heucheras. Unfortunately we had a down pour as soon as I started and the rain was coming out of the sky in buckets..I was drenched in minutes so carried on…I was literally wet through!! That’s a mother’s love!
Take care, love Mary xx
Alison Keenan says
Hi Mary,
Lovely to hear from you as always, and I very much hope you will have a date for your surgery that will see you clear of getting your kitchen painted! I hope the pre-op went ok? I too am still waiting on the date for my breast surgery, but am hoping it will be the end of this month or November so I’ll be clear for Christmas. I love the sound of Relaxed Oats. We are hoping to repaint our kitchen walls white (they’re gooseberry at present) and our cupboards are a sort of cream shade already, but I would like a teal feature wall and Colin is going to put brick slips in to replace the tiles behind the hob… one day next year!! 🙂 Still have just the concrete base for my writing room as I am working at removing all the paint for the blowtorch on the wooden panels. It’s taking a long time and I’m having to avoid all the leaded glass elements as it may break the panes! The framework has arrived, so I guess it’ll be as long as it takes me to repaint everything – it’s five panels both sides! You are such a great mum – how kind to completely plant out Zoe’s garden for her. I’m sorry you got so wet, but I think rain is the best thing for new plants. Did you use Richard Jackson’s Root Boost? Do take care, and if you’re free in November and fancy a trip to Milton Keynes to see your sister, I’m going to be there with Debbie Flint and quite a few others from QVC for an afternoon tea event to raise money for medical detection dogs. All the details will be in the next blog., |Imagine meeting after all these years!! Love Ali xx
24Stign says
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
Alison Keenan says
Hey Stign! Nice to hear from you and I hope all is well with you too! Ali x