I’ve had to move an entire drum kit to get to my computer today! Since we started the house renovations, I no longer have a specific room to write in and I’m sort of crammed into the corner of Colin’s music studio, which isn’t ideal at the best of times but he’s been working on a new album for the last couple of years and it’s close to completion, so it’s not for much longer. However, now that I am here, I can thank you for writing to me! Great to hear from you and to know how you’ve been getting on this last month.
When I last wrote, we had just waved my Australian niece, her husband and their two children off as they headed home to Sydney Australia. We’d seen them of course at James’s wedding in the South of France, but they had come back to the UK specifically to see their cousins and to have a little extra time with us too, which was fabulous. My sister, her children and grandchildren joined us, along with my two boys and even the bride and groom so we had almost everyone with us. The sun shone and the barbecue was a roaring success!

Colin took the group photograph at the top of the blog and although Lucy and Honey are missing from it, it was still a fabulous memento. I think it’s the first time we’ve all been together since my mother’s funeral, which was almost five years ago, and obviously this was a far happier occasion. The house felt really empty once they’d all gone, but last Sunday we celebrated our granddaughter Calla’s eighth birthday, and along with Sam and Elise, Lucy and Honey, most of Colin’s children were able to make it too which was wonderful. We treated everyone to a game of crazy golf, and all four grandchildren – even Corey who is three – played brilliantly! Along with the Wimbledon final and the football, it was yet another memorable sporting event!

As you know, it’s been over a year now since I retired, but I think it’s only been in these last few months that I have really started to feel the benefits of not working. Probably the trip to France triggered it and now I’m lucky enough to be packing my suitcase once more and this time, heading off to Corsica! It’s a country I’ve never visited before, and I’m travelling with my best friend Jo – we met each other in the first year of secondary school and have been pretty much inseparable since then. Jo has two daughters, Sophie and Phoebe but it’s been 8 years since they went on holiday with their mum, and so I’m accompanying them! We’ve found a lovely Airbnb which is just three minutes walk to the beach, and we plan to do little else apart from swimming and spending time in the sun. The biggest challenge will be for me to drive the hour and a half from the airport on the wrong side of the road! I’m already having nightmares about it but having Google Earth’d the map of Corsica the entire journey appears to be along the coast road which is pretty straightforward. I’m sure I won’t be the only person in the car to breathe a sigh of relief that we’re avoiding the mountains!

It won’t be Corsican cuisine we’ll be eating on Friday night as my son Sam and his wife Elise are cooking a Thai meal for us! While they were travelling earlier this year, they spent a day learning how to make the local delicacies and are keen to share all they experienced. We’ll be joined by Elise’s parents Richard and Teresa who we haven’t seen properly since the wedding last June! Colin and I are both really looking forward to it ☺️

I also had a lovely day with my QVC pal Kathy Tayler. We did our usual walk down by the river at Cookham, miraculously dodging the rain, then treated ourselves to a Buddha bowl salad in the village. Kathy has her daughter, son-in-law and their three children living with her at the moment, as the family have decided to relocate and while they find a new home they’re staying with mum and dad! Her daughter Bex is a GP, but has taken time away from work after giving birth to her third child earlier this year. Schools have been organized for their two little girls, and while she’s home with her son Reuben, Bex has been busy on Instagram giving practical medical advice specifically relating to children’s health. I remember when my children were small, it was difficult sometimes to know exactly what the problem was. For example, have you heard of something called slapped cheek? I hadn’t, so I was fascinated to see on her post what causes it and how to treat it. More recently two of her children had hand foot and mouth, which is horrid. There’s been a fair bit of it around here so she’s dedicated a post to that too and more recenty one on croup. Here’s the link if you want to check her out: child.health.gp.mum
And please do share it with anyone you think could benefit. I find it’s such a comfort to share experiences and get advise from someone who genuinely understands. She’s such a lovely girl, like her mum, I’m sure she’d be able to help.
Before I go, I wanted to tell you that I’m currently enjoying the second of Judge Rob Rinder’s books – The Suspect – having finished Julia Robert’s latest novel My Daughter’s Lies. They’re both great writers, creating fabulous characters and keeping the reader guessing with plenty of twists and turns in the plot – well worth a read! This blog is far longer than I anticipated, but I do hope you enjoy it and I’ll look forward to hearing from you when you have a moment here or on Facebook and Instagram.
With my love,
Ali xx
Roz says
Hello Ali. Just read your blog and pleased you have enjoyed all your visits to places and meeting up with family and friends. Thanks for the link re GP advice, I will forward it on to my son who has a little girl of 2. As I mentioned before, our kitchen has been transformed and conservatory which we are so pleased with. Just the finishing touches and furniture. I understand how you feel about now you have accepted retirement! I too took a while to adjust. Hope you enjoy your next chapter!
Alison Keenan says
hi Roz, I’m not sure why my reply decided to land at the bottom of the comments box, but it is there! Thank you once again for getting in touch, and I very much hope you’ve enjoyed this lovely sunny weather? Take care I’ll be in touch soon!
Love Ali xx
Elaine Sallis says
Hi Ali lovely to hear all you’ve been doing you are so busy. Well today my granddaughter Molly left her primary school. I promised I wouldn’t cry at her leavers assembly today but failed miserably. They grow up too quickly. So now only two of the five grandchildren at primary school. Have a lovely holiday. Elaine x
Alison Keenan says
Oh bless you Elaine, I completely understand… it’s the passage of time, and it’s so difficult to get a grip on it! Everything seems to move so much faster the older we get. I had a lovely holiday thank you and have had a little break from social media but will be getting the new blog up here asap. Lots of lovely photos of Corsica to come! Love Ali xx
Sonia Hughes says
Hi Ali, I feel like I know you as a friend, watching you on QVC and following your fabulous bloggs. You are such a busy bee.
You were lucky to have a nice sunny day for your new as the weather has been so poor so far. On saying that it’s been not today 25′ but I was in work. I work in a specilist dental clinic, inside a medical centre and although it’s a relatively new build (5 years) it is very hot. No air .com as they wanted a green build.
Lovely to sit out this evening though.
Lovely photo of you all for you to keep and of your son and his wife, she’s beautuful. I am sure they produce a gorgeous meal for you all to enjoy. Such a treat.
I am looking forward to seeing your pics when you return from Corsica.
I don’t think we will be going away is September this year as my eldest daughter Leanne is having a hysterectomy and not by key hole so will be quite a long recovery. I will help her out as much as I can.
Now the children have finished for summer I hope we have some dry weather so they can get out.
I have Tiago, my youngest grandson on Tuesday’s so I may take him up to Trelogan to see his cousins. Leanne had triplets Isla, Mason and Ethan. He gets on really well with Isla.
I went to see an Abba tribute band in Chester cathedral in candlight. It was great. We had a good boogie.
We have also booked to go back there 21st Dec for Christmas songs. It will get us in the Christmas spirit.
Well have a lovely holiday.
Take care
Love Sonia xx🌞🌞😎
Alison Keenan says
Dear Sonia, lovely to hear from you and I’m so glad you enjoy the blogs. Apologies it’s taken me so long to get back to you, and I hope you had a chance to enjoy the better weather that we’ve had here since I returned from Corsica. That’s good of you to look after Leanne following her op. I remember my mum having the same operation when she was in her 40s and she was in hospital for over a week and away from work for quite a while. I love your grandchildren’s names and I hope you enjoyed your time with Tiago? The Abba band sounds great – and Chester Cathedral is such a lovely venue. I have some lovely photographs of Corsica but I will be putting in an explorer – I’ve just taken a bit of a break from it this month! I look forward to hearing from you soon, love Ali xx
Kathy says
Hi Ali,
Lovely to read all about your family events. I have relations on my Mothers side in Australia all living in and around Perth. We have promised to go there one day soon.
Can’t believe it’s a year since you retired, Still you have managed to nearly finish you house renovation. My husband took early retirment just over a year ago after loosing his Father and selling his house, he said it’s the best thing he’s done. We certainly have travelled around a bit since then. With two more holidays this year, one to a wedding in Barbados at the end of the year . I do hope you enjoy your break in Corsica, on my Bucket list to visit one day.
Look forward to reading all about Corsica.
Love Kathy
Alison Keenan says
Hi Kathy, good to hear from you and I really hope you will be able to visit Perth. Now that your husband is retired. And you have more freedom in time it will be the perfect opportunity. It’s strange how sometimes one major event in our lives can alter the remainder but I’m so glad for you. It’s been a positive thing. Was fabulous – the new blog has just been posted so I hope you will enjoy reading it and looking at the photographs. Take care and enjoy the summer love Ali. Xx
Tina T says
Hi Ali,
I’m so glad to have found your website as I used to follow your blogs and reply to you when you were at QVC! I still miss you not presenting anymore
I’m so pleased that you’re finally enjoying your retirement and are able to spend more time with family and friends
I’ve been to the Isle of Wight recently and (on the whole) the,weather has been kind I hope you enjoy Corsica and look forward to hearing all about it.
Take care.
Love Tina xx 😊
Alison Keenan says
Tina, wonderful to hear from you! I remember very well you writing to me regularly on the blog so I’m glad that you have found me here again.
How lovely to have visited the Isle of Wight. When my mum was alive, we used to go along to the coast and look across at the Isle of Wight – I wish now we’ve made the journey over there. I hope you’re enjoying the summer, and please do keep in touch, Love Ali x
Mary Morphy says
Good morning Alison, this is my second attempt at writing this as I was changing a spelling error and deleted the whole thing..its the first Monday of the school holidays and although I turned my alarm off, the choir if parakeets at 4am obviously hought I should be up and awake!
It’s now 8am, John’s brought me up red Berry fruit tea abdca slice of marmite on toast before I start painting two walls of Arthur’s room and get out the electric screwdriver to build an IKEA storage cube and a bedside table.
Tomorrow is an early tip run and wall papering which Chloe will help me with.
I love your photos of family gatherings. They remind me of how big our family used to be when we were younger eith aunts uncles and cousins but now, immediate family is very small..John’s an only child, my twin is single and no children abd my other sister is single with two grown up boys..where we used to need several tables we can usually all squeeze around one!
So the good news this month is that my sister did have her shoulder replacement surgery and is doing really well. I stayed with her for 5 nights and hopefully, with the pain subsiding her recover will be good.
Also, my grandson had his autism assessment and has been diagnosed with having autism; we were not surprised, he has speech and developmental delay but at least now he can get the right support..he is so so precious and such a happy soul, I know he will be OK and he has a family that just love and adore him.
Well I’ve got to start my day with a trip to M and S to collect an order so I’m going to sign off..have a wonderful break.
Love Mary
Alison Keenan says
Hi Mary, and thanks for persevering with your response and I always look forward to hearing from you! I knew you would be cracking on with Arthur’s room and how lovely that Chloe will help you with the wallpapering. You do so much for your family, I know they are incredibly grateful. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos and I know how lucky we are to be able to occasionally bring the family together. Even though your family might be smaller it’s lovely that you also take time out to be a family. Great news that your sister had her shoulder replacement I’m glad you were able to stay with her and look after her. I remember when I had a shoulder surgery it was quite painful for awhile and the physio was heavy going, but it’s only paid off. I’m glad that Arthur has had his assessment and that you will now get the support that he needs. That in addition to all the love and care he gets from the family means he is a very lucky little chap. Corsica was wonderful, and I’m sorry I’m so late in responding to you, but my new blog has just been posted up. I hope you enjoy it. Take care, love Ali xx
Alison Keenan says
Hi Mary and thanks for persevering with your response as I always look forward to hearing from you! I knew you would be cracking on with Arthur’s room and how lovely that Chloe will help you with the wallpapering. You do so much for your family, I know they are incredibly grateful. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos and I know how lucky we are to be able to occasionally bring the family together. Even though your family might be smaller it’s lovely that you also take time out to be a family. Great news that your sister had her shoulder replacement I’m glad you were able to stay with her and look after her. I remember when I had a shoulder surgery it was quite painful for awhile and the physio was heavy going, but it’s only paid off. I’m glad that Arthur has had his assessment and that you will now get the support that he needs. That in addition to all the love and care he gets from the family means he is a very lucky little chap. Corsica was wonderful, and I’m sorry I’m so late in responding to you, but my new blog has just been posted up. I hope you enjoy it. Take care, love Ali xx
Alison Keenan says
Hi Roz, lovely to hear from you and I am glad that you were able to forward the link for Bex’s GP helpline. She certainly got a lot more followers now and I think everybody is benefiting! I’m delighted also to know that you’re benefiting from your kitchen refurbishment and the new conservatory.
So lovely and things are finished and you can enjoy them. I’d lovely time in Corsica and Will will be posting up new photographs with the blog shortly. Love Ali I’m delighted also to know that your benefiting from your kitchen refurbishment and the new conservatory.
So lovely and things are finished and you can enjoy them. I’d lovely time in Corsica and Will will be posting up new photographs with the blog shortly. Love Ali, xx